Typeorm update example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.

  • Typeorm update example Entities @Entity() export class Activity { @PrimaryGeneratedColumn( update() should definitely be updating UpdateDateColumns, if someone can make a reproducible test please send in a new issue. By doing so we can use hooks like AfterInsert, BeforeInsert. How you will perform the update is more a matter of choice, could use Repository or QueryBuilder. x. Create a model Working with a database starts from creating tables. Examples Nov 21, 2020 · I have task entity like this: import {BaseEntity, Column, Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn} from "typeorm"; @Entity() export class Task extends BaseEntity run node src/app2-es5-json-schemas/index. 2. Cheers 🍻! Aug 11, 2021 · How do I make TypeORM update only the fields that I have modified when saving an object? Here's an example: const user1 = await createTestUser() const user2 = await User. An object with the event types to which this webhook is subscribed. Oct 26, 2023 · Welcome to this tutorial where we’ll create a REST API using TypeScript, Express. findOne() after the update, but that means two back and forth calls to the database instead of just one. x (or put your version here) Hi, how do you update a record with a where clause using Active Record method? I've tried this and a number of combinations to no avail, please help. Martin in his book ‘Clean Code’, “Truth can only be found in one place: the code. entity. Jul 14, 2020 · UPDATE "my_children_table" SET "myEntityId" = null WHERE "id" = 2 I also have a subscriber listening to the after update event that is also being triggered as expected. Product has three properties called 1) id, 2) name, and 3) active. It will default to false, meaning no cascades. run node src/app3-es6/index. update({}, { isRead: true }); // executes UPDATE notification SET isRead = true This would also allow you specify a criteria what records should be updated, e. For example, { cascade: "update" } allows updates to be cascaded to related entities. How do you tell TypeORM to create a database table? The answer is - through the models. exports = new EntitySchema({name: "Category", // Will use table name `category` as default behaviour Jul 26, 2018 · The problem with the TypeORM documentation is that it assumes you're using the sync feature, so the library creates the join column so it knows which one is it. js, TypeORM, and PostgreSQL facilitates the creation of a robust and scalable REST API. Examples: await dataSource . You can use a query builder (very flexible) or the upsert() method (very concise). The structure is: What I want is whenever a new trip is created, the room column should be populated with ${tripId}_${someRandomStringHere}. Current instances in the database look like this: You can create UPDATE queries using QueryBuilder. This problem is solved with many-to-many relation Example using TypeORM with Express Initial setup Let's create a simple application called "user" which stores users in the database and allows us to create, update, remove, and get a list of all users, as well as a single user by id within web api. Question is, should update work? update() is meant to be a high performance UPDATE query at the cost of not doing all the magic persistence stuff of save(). save() function. save(entity) 2. Mar 2, 2024 · Under the hood, TypeORM will maneuver this action into a valid SQL command to update the respective record in the underlying database, hence setting the `name` field to NULL. Integrating TypeORM with NestJS simplifies database interactions while keeping your code clean and scalable. update ( 1 , { username : 'new_username' }); //Deletes the entity const result = await userRepository . Mar 9, 2021 · I am using typeorm as ORM library to connect to postgresql database. Nest. Jan 7, 2024 · Learn to build a CRUD application using Nest. js to run example of usage with ES5 + schemas defined in a JSON. I have a 1-to-1 relationship between my User entity and Profile entity. # Update using Query Builder. update({ userId: 123} , { isRead: true }); // executes UPDATE notification SET isRead = true WHERE userId = 123 Aug 16, 2022 · Is it possible to cascade like soft delete when removing from parent entity? Lets say I have: class ParentEntity { @OneToMany(() =&gt; ChildEntity, (ce) =&gt; ca. The following are some examples of using `save` and `update` in TypeORM: To create a new user record in the database, you can use the following code: const user = new User(); user. QueryRunner has bunch of methods you can use, it also has its own EntityManager instance, which you can use through manager property in order to run EntityManager methods on a particular database connection used by QueryRunner instance: Apr 1, 2023 · In my previous blog post, we delved into TypeORM and built a basic CRUD todo application. However, the update does not delete the entry. Raw SQL support Typeorm return updated entity is a powerful feature that can be used to update entities in a database. If you are looking for more advanced JavaScript example with latest ES features and Babel used see here . Otherwise, this can be done with two separate update queries and a transaction. createQueryRunner() // establish real database connection using our new query runner await queryRunner. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic Validation is not part of TypeORM because validation is a separate process not really related to what TypeORM does. g. Update: directly update entity, but doing so we cant use hooks there. Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SAP Hana, WebSQL databases. Examples: from "typeorm"; await This is the most efficient way in terms of performance to update entities in Dec 15, 2018 · How can I do bulk update via raw query in TypeORM? For example we have model User with property name How can I change names of few users in one transaction? typeorm version: 0. – TypeORM version: [ ] latest [ ] @next [x] 0. //If the update doesn't go through due to the version where clause, this array will be empty const result = await manager. What does "owner side" in a relations mean or why we need to use @JoinColumn and @JoinTable? Let's start with one-to-one relation. find(T) complains that can not fine name T T should be the Photo but since I want to my class be a generic class so I need somehow to pass the type to my generic method You can define a method with any name in entity and mark it with @AfterLoad and TypeORM will call it each time the entity is loaded using QueryBuilder or repository/manager find methods. You can also fake run a migration using the --fake flag (-f for short). createQueryBuilder () . Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic Example using TypeORM with Express; FAQ; Find Options; The Future of TypeORM; Documentation; Indices; Insert using Query Builder; Internals; Entity Listeners and Subscribers; Logging; Many-to-many relations; Many-to-one / one-to-many relations; Migrations; MongoDB; Multiple data sources, databases, schemas and replication setup; One-to-one Copy var EntitySchema = require("typeorm"). This will add the migration to the migrations table without running it. company_id = 'company1' query: UPDATE employee SET company_id = NULL WHERE employee. Feb 13, 2024 · Update Operation using TypeORM and PSQL. For example, the image above shows student and course table. update ( id , { counter : post . save and . May 18, 2021 · I'm having problems using TypeOrm hook &quot;BeforeUpdate&quot; I'm trying to update the user entity password, by passing a simple string and calling the save method to trigger the beforeUpdate hoo Oct 7, 2022 · A many-to-many relationship occurs when multiple records in the table are associated with multiple records in another table. Automatically update data-source. EntitySchema module. Student can be part of multiple courses and course can have multiple students attending them. You can simply update the props of test entity. I had to remove the GTM property as it is not compatible with the payment field. 3. To run the code: Start a demo CockroachDB cluster from the command line: cockroach demo --empty Mar 7, 2021 · Here you have an entity named UserEntity, to find and update multiple data you need to use a service for code logic (update) and a repository to query your database (find). TypeORM Update All Records Part Of A Mant-to-Many Relation. You can also specify options by providing an array. save(user); return user; Expected behavior. Conclusion. . Therefore, you only need to update one table entry. For example, if you want to save 100. 7 database: postgress May 3, 2022 · // (Before the update, All users with 'company1' company have been inquired. New way gives you more flexibility and simplicity in usage. For example) You wanna make a query like below. Sep 5, 2024 · Introduction. createQueryBuilder(). Here's an example: import {getConnection} from Automatically update data-source. findOneOrFail({id: user1. If you want to use validation use class-validator - it works perfectly with TypeORM. email = “[email protected]”; Copy await manager. reinstateById( Oct 14, 2017 · @BeyondTheSea Are those two completely distinct examples, or do you need to run both when using typeorm? To me, the first call looks like it's an insert that skips conflicting rows, and the second one is an actual upsert -- but isn't the second one sufficient on its own without the first call? TypeORM is an ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript, supporting multiple databases and platforms. In this blog post, we will be continuing our exploration by taking the todo application to the next level May 8, 2020 · TypeORM version: [x] latest [ ] @next [ ] 0. json file to define your SQLite3 database configuration: Code: Clones query builder as it is. They all deprecated in favour of new syntax you can see above. Sep 25, 2018 · //TypeORM doesn't return the number of rows affected, but can use . Hope this helps you. js to run simple example of usage with ES6. Jan 29, 2021 · Feature Description The Problem There seems no way to update many rows by one call. For example: Clones query builder as it is. set(updateFields) Oct 20, 2018 · Now I want to update the user entity (which can also include an update of the user's role) by excuting following commands: const user = await this. update(entityName). id}) user1. Sep 11, 2021 · TypeORM's entity. What is the best way to update different Example using TypeORM with Express You can create UPDATE queries using QueryBuilder. For example save/update a many to many entity from one of the relationship: I have 3 tables: users, roles, user_roles Jan 12, 2023 · Just tried the example JSON from example. await notificationRepository. ) and be able to get the entity back. Example : const result = await userRepository . update() method does not return the updated object but a simple success/failure notification. In this article, we continue our journey through building a robust e-commerce application using NestJS and TypeORM. UpdateDateColumn is updated when adding the number of view Column. If you are using a different database system, you must install the appropriate package; reflect-metadata is required to make decorators to work properly; Let's create app-data-source. ) query: SELECT employee. The entry is now orphaned with a null relation ID. Still, it's a prevalent practice to use . TypeORM - Working with Entity Manager - EntityManager is similar to Repository and used to manage database operations such as insert, update, delete and load data. Initial setup; Adding Express to the application; Adding TypeORM to the application; Initial setup . Apr 19, 2021 · I'm trying to figure out how to make upsert SQL working with typeorm entities (not using querybuilder!!) const items = Items[] //Items are the entity which extends BaseEntity await this. Our free form templates cover most industry niches. Also, the best place to ask questions either StackOverflow or slack This repo contains an example "Hello World" TypeScript application that uses the TypeORM framework to connect to CockroachDB. So for example, I just cr Apr 22, 2019 · TypeORM version: [ *] latest [ ] @next [ ] 0. For the “remove” function, we call the “remove” function from the repository but before we control if the item exists with the Jul 22, 2021 · await notificationRepository. In order to remove the relation, you have to set the bulkOrderId column to null. Another possible solution is to use the save() method (this only works when you provide an id – primary Let's create a simple application called "user" which stores users in the database and allows us to create, update, remove, and get a list of all users, as well as a single user by id within web api. Steps to reproduce or a small repository showing the problem: Is it possible to add more examples in docs for "many-to-many relations with custom properties"? I'm having trouble getting it to work. By following the steps in this guide, you can use typeorm return updated entity to easily update your data. update but it cause an error, --in the case of . update(user); Examples of using `save` and `update` in TypeORM. 17, Postgres 15). id FROM employee WHERE employee. – spike 王建 Commented Sep 3, 2020 at 5:39 Mar 11, 2019 · Cascade Options (cascade): Control how TypeORM handles related entities when you save, update, or delete an entity in your code. The updated object can then be returned by doing entity. ” Mar 19, 2020 · Issue type: [ x] question [ x] bug report [ ] feature request [ ] documentation issue Database system/driver: [ ] cordova [ ] mongodb [ ] mssql [ ] mysql / mariadb ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript. I think it might just be a very stupid mistake by me, but as I did not write much code, I can't find any differences to the examples in the doc. The webhook will be triggered each time any of these events occurs. Setting cascade: true will enable full cascades. ). x (or put your version here) Steps to reproduce or a small repository showing the problem: I don't know if is a bug or not but when i perform an update it selects the entity again. ) Updating entity. For instance Hey Community! Here's some exciting news for HubSpot users… we are currently rolling out a new experience that allows you to map Typeform questions directly to HubSpot fields without needing to leave the Create panel in your Typeform account 🎉 📺 Check out this video guide from @suzieq to see how it’s done: If you’ve already started creating a form, you will see the option to Create Automatically update data-source. testEntityRepo. Your models in your app are your database tables. This is just an encapsulation of multiple join statements (when executing preload method) and update statements (when executing save method) such that the developer can easily implement this scenario. Sep 6, 2021 · I have a situation where i'm trying to update columns in typeorm. For example, you have a Photo May 17, 2020 · Inspired on the others answers I would like to bring a similar approach because you can have conflicts between your entity's properties and the declared column names on database, for example if the database column is declared as snake_case and the entity's using camelCase. 0. TypeORM 中文文档 You can create UPDATE queries using QueryBuilder. 获取QueryBuilder 一般通过一个Repository来获取QueryBuilder,说吗QueryBuilder实例 The cascade option can be set as a boolean or an array of cascade options ("insert" | "update" | "remove" | "soft-remove" | "recover")[]. update case it return error: the &quot; Jun 8, 2022 · TypeOrm can use the same “save” function for the update. typeorm进行数据库操作最方便的是采用Repository,其中save、update、delete、remove等方法使用起来都很方便 有时需要复杂sql操作时就需要使用QueryBuilder,比如子查询、左连接、右连接、内连接等 1. Example using TypeORM with Express. update (User) . Oct 20, 2022 · In your case, typeorm under the hood is creating a bulkOrderId column in orders table, referencing the id column from the table corresponding to the BulkOrder entity. ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript. email = '[email protected]' await user1. I tried using the returning method of the query builder but that one returns a raw object and not an entity. Feb 2, 2024 · To update your data, TypeORM will need your Repository to execute an update() and delete() to remove items from the database: //Updates the entity using the partial entity data. Examples: This is the most efficient way in terms of performance to Sep 1, 2022 · This succinct, practical article shows you how to perform upsert operations in TypeORM. repository. create(), etc. Oct 3, 2017 · * added cli options to init command generated project * renamed TableSchema in to Table * renamed ColumnSchema in to TableColumn; renamed ForeignKeySchema in to TableForeignKey; renamed IndexSchema in to TableIndex; renamed PrimaryKeySchema in to TablePrimaryKey; * added few websql-specific options * added failing test * Small fix for schema update after typeorm#858 The implementation of typeorm is the typeorm package itself; mysql is the underlying database driver. I'm wondering if TypeORM allows using those methods somehow. create({ name: 'Example 1', childEntity: { id: childEntityId // notice: it's a DeepPartial object of ChildEntity } }) await this. Examples of using typeorm return updated entity. Then, to modify the profile and not add a line in the DB, you just have to proceed as follows: import { Repository } from "typeorm"; . By the end of this… TypeORM - Amazing ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Remember, as underscored by Robert C. According to the docs, the save() function has this behaviour: . Create a ormconfig. Note: it uses new query runner, if you want query builder that uses exactly same query runner, you can create query builder using its constructor, for example new SelectQueryBuilder(queryBuilder) where queryBuilder is cloned QueryBuilder. There are multiple instances of one entity called Product. I want to execute a clean update query or insert query (without checking if entity exists, without relations etc. Jul 21, 2020 · I want to save without affecting UpdateDateColumn when updating view column. I am looking for a way to update parents entities when updating children entity using cascade on a OneToMany relationship. user. partialUser (user properties to update) is merged with user data from database including role Jul 12, 2021 · const entity = this. Contribute to typeorm/typescript-example development by creating an account on GitHub. setLock("pessimistic_write"). Active Record vs Data Mapper Caching queries Custom repositories DataSource API Data Source Options Working with DataSource Decorator reference Delete using Query Builder Eager and Lazy Relations Embedded Entities Entities Entity Inheritance EntityManager API Entity Metadata Example using TypeORM with Express FAQ Find Options The Future of TypeORM Documentation Indices Clones query builder as it is. returning(). ts Mar 25, 2021 · Please note that under the hood, typeorm will run UPDATE statements separately for UserEntity and AddressEntity. Pros: We can use hooks Cons: It will take 2 db calls for update as first we get entity to be updated. id = 'employee3' query failed: Column 'company_id After connection is released it is not possible to use the query runner methods. Having covered the basics, custom configurations, database connections, and entity relationships in previous articles, we now focus on implementing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. But this is an example from the doc meant to show all properties, which you can just tweak. The Solution Implement a method that to update multiple rows by one call. Dec 11, 2024 · npm install typeorm sqlite3 reflect-metadata Dependencies Breakdown: typeorm: The core TypeORM library for managing database operations. save() everywhere in code due to the documentation of TypeORM itself recommending it as the primary mode to update entities. It worked fine. Here you'll find a collection of different form templates and examples that are as smooth as you are. service. name = 'chris' await user2. x (or put your version here) I'm trying to update a column in my table using another column in the same table. First, create a directory called "user": Update using Query Builder. How can I update the profile of the user based on the following conditions: I'm using type-graphql to get data from the client. TypeORM version: [x] latest. 2. The GET-requests are working without any problems. This guide will show you how to set up TypeORM from scratch and make it do what you are expecting from an ORM. sqlite3: SQLite3 database driver. Is it possible to avoid this second select? Example code: Sep 22, 2017 · Added tests for typeorm#970 * fixes typeorm#966 * added typeorm-model-generator to extensions section in README * added empty line * added export to Database type, fixes typeorm#949 * deprecated isArray in column options * fixed bug in transaction decorator * added test for typeorm#948; fixed issue with array not working when defined Sep 11, 2019 · FOR UPDATE inside queryRunner? I see the TypeORM doc that queryRunner can only access manager, how I can access Repository to lock record. Dec 13, 2017 · For example, in Postgres, you can run ``` UPDATE . 17. preload(partialUser); await this. QueryBuilder is one of the most powerful features of TypeORM - it allows you to build SQL queries using elegant and convenient syntax, execute them and get automatically transformed entities. The following are some examples of how to use the `typeorm return updated entity TypeORM - Amazing ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). So there is a tradeoff . userRepository. subscriptionsService. reflect-metadata: Enables TypeScript decorators required by TypeORM. js, and TypeORM, complete with JWT authentication, data caching, and role-based authorization. I saved a few columns as jsonb type. A junction table is a special separate table created automatically by TypeORM with columns that refer to the related entities. But it doesn't explain clearly how to deal with non-synced already existing tables. First, pick a form template that suits your business needs. ts after generating migrations/entities - typeorm-codebase-sync Easy manipulation of relations objects - typeorm-relations Automatically generate relations based on a GraphQL query - typeorm-relations-graphql The following examples show how to use typeorm#UpdateResult. Nov 28, 2019 · The whole problem is a result of the behaviour of the Repository<T>. Saves all given entities in the database. I'm in the process of learning NestJS and TypeORM with a simple project where users can book offices. I only want to update the fields that the client provide data for. Apr 30, 2020 · I used the crud library to create a simple controller for the User entity. counter + 1 } ) ; The example below will create @UpdateDateColumn is a special column that is automatically set to the entity's update time each time TypeORM's support for each Dec 27, 2019 · TypeORM version: [x] latest [ ] @next [ ] 0. ts after generating migrations/entities - typeorm-codebase-sync Easy manipulation of relations objects - typeorm-relations Automatically generate relations based on a GraphQL query - typeorm-relations-graphql Was this helpful? docs. Dec 6, 2022 · Then both user and table 2 could have a 1-1 relationship with this new entity. You can change column names inside junction tables and their referenced columns with @JoinColumn : You can also change the name of the generated "junction" table. Database Constraints (onUpdate and onDelete): Define how the database handles updates or deletions of referenced rows. In the next article, TypeORM By Example: Part 2, we continue our exploration with an assortment of topics. Example of typeorm usage. For a complete guide for Migrations please read this article: Database Migrations with TypeORM in NestJS. 000 objects but you have issues with saving them, you can break them into 10 groups of 10. This is useful for migrations created after manual changes have already been made to the database or when migrations have been run externally (e. Pink buttons. Example: Example: Nov 7, 2020 · Assumptions. set ({ firstName: "Timber", lastName: "Saw"}) . js framework for efficient server-side applications. save() // What is the user's email address? Jul 5, 2022 · while using save in typeorm, we are getting entity instance first and then saving data. where ("id = :id", { id: 1}) . delete ( 1 ); chunk: number - Breaks save execution into multiple groups of chunks. parentEntity) childrenEntities: Nov 27, 2016 · I edited my example hope it is more clear now but basically . Examples Feb 2, 2024 · To update your data, TypeORM will need your Repository to execute an update() and delete() to remove items from the database: //Updates the entity using the partial entity data. In the example below, I am using the subscriber to cleanup the orphaned entities: The example below will create @UpdateDateColumn is a special column that is automatically set to the entity's update time each time TypeORM's support for each Nov 1, 2018 · It would be nice if you could provide as small example as possible with the results in db after every save/update operation to understand the root cause of the problem. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar. ts) Generate a migration; Run the updated application; it will run the migration; Next Steps. execute () This is the most efficient way in terms of performance to update entities in your database. by another tool or application), and you still would like to keep a consistent migration history. But I can't POST to create a new user, neither can I use PATCH to update one. 3, TypeORM 0. findOneById ( id ) ; await repository . save it return error: the value of a duplicate key breaks the unique constraint --in . This table is a post table and the view is a hit. I used this workaround with hooks instead: Community Products Roadmap Update Sep 11, 2021 · Already profile_id is an object and not a string. transaction(async (manager) => {// NOTE: you must perform all database operations using the given manager instance // it's a special instance of EntityManager working with this transaction // and don't forget to await things here}) Sep 1, 2018 · Throughout this series, we will continue to create / update entities by: Create / update code in the entity folder (like Todo. Nov 16, 2024 · npm run typeorm migration:generate -- -n AddNewField npm run typeorm migration:run. The usage of save() might seem pretty obvious. save() user2. delete ( 1 ); await userRepository. Examples: await dataSource Sep 3, 2020 · And I think use save is a bad idea for update, because typeorm always check the correspond record whether exist and then do update or insert, that is costed. You can create UPDATE queries using QueryBuilder. While Repository handles single entity, EntityManager is common to all entities and able to do operations on all entities. Let's create a simple application called "user" which stores users in the database and allows us to create, update, remove, and get a list of all users, as well as a single user by id within web api. 000 objects (by setting { chunk: 10000 }) and save each group separately. js provides a modular structure, TypeORM streamlines database interactions, and PostgreSQL ensures efficiency. getRepository(User). Hit publish in minutes and take all the credit! Mar 11, 2021 · i tried both . id = 'employee2' query: UPDATE employee SET company_id = NULL WHERE employee. 3. Configuring TypeORM. SET . Sep 3, 2020 · I have this controller: async reinstate(@Param() getSubscriptionDto: GetSubscriptionDto) { const reinstatedSubscription = await this. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. ts where we set up initial database connection options: Jun 6, 2019 · I have an Entity called Trip. Now I need to support update a json data partially, for example, { firstName: xx, lastName: xxx } If I only update firstName, I don't want to override lastName in the update statement. //This takes an array of fields to return the updated values for. There's no need for child entity's id if you are updating test entity. ts @Entity("user") export class UserEntity extends BaseEntity { @Column() corpName: string; } user. In case it's not supported, The following examples show how to use typeorm#BeforeUpdate. How can this be achieved? Thanks!. Or maybe a funny GIF? Make our free templates work for your brand with easy customization. I have defined the office and bookings types and entities, and written a function that searches for an existing office and adds a booking subdocument to its bookings array. Next, personalize your online form to fit your branding guidelines. Is there any way to use an inner join inside an update query where I can do this? I want to do something like Jul 2, 2020 · For example (using PostgreSQL): (NestJS 10. To establish the initial connection/connection pool, you must call the initialize method of your DataSource instance. Simple example of QueryBuilder: Previously, you could use new Connection(), createConnection(), getConnectionManager(). ts after generating migrations/entities - typeorm-codebase-sync Easy manipulation of relations objects - typeorm-relations Automatically generate relations based on a GraphQL query - typeorm-relations-graphql Copy // create a new query runner const queryRunner = dataSource. name = “John Doe”; user. To update an existing record in the database, we can use the update() method. Unfortunately Many-to-Many relations become a bit more Jul 18, 2017 · If you do it by repository you should use update() instead of save(), it's simply faster because update() doesn't update the whole column. connect() // now we can execute any queries on a query runner, for example: await queryRunner. For example queryRunner. TypeORM's DataSource holds your database connection settings and establishes the initial database connection or connection pool depending on the RDBMS you use. Dec 20, 2023 · In summary, the use of Nest. Nov 2, 2021 · Postgres supports array type columns, and exposes methods for working with those arrays (like array_append). query("SELECT * FROM users") // we can also access entity manager that works with connection created by a query runner: const users Jan 22, 2022 · And just like that, you reduced the database load due to these queries by half: a 2x improvement!. const post = await repository . js and TypeORM, a progressive Node. ttu uyln bgxh dwgwpqya qvck feyl wwdhx zfln klrai pcrgfybh uvbhq szhpk vwkbv wipc ixccax