Paraguard for ich. If left untreated, Ich will eventually kill your sick fish.
Paraguard for ich Ich (White Spot) Sep 14, 2015 · I have been using Seachem Paraguard for a week now to treat my cory's ich and one cory's fungus. Jun 23, 2016 · ParaGuard employs a proprietary, synergistic blend of aldehydes, malachite green, and fish protective polymers that effectively and efficiently eradicates many ectoparasites on fish (e. Ich, also known as white spot disease, is caused by a protozoan parasite that infects the fish’s skin and gills. With Ich you have to treat the whole tank, or all the inhabitants in a separate tank/container and leave tank fishless as long as it takes for the ich parasite to die. Seachem ParaGuard Comparison Chart Paraguard kills a wide range of parasites and is safe for invertebrates, while ich x is specifically designed for treating ich (white spot disease) but may harm invertebrates. Seachem ParaGuard 250ml. We are treating with 30ml Paraguard every day. Aug 16, 2017 · One of my Goldfish brought in Ich. 1. Also a paraguard bath my be more effective for some treatments such as flukes or possibly brooklynella. Jul 8, 2022 · ParaGuard is also a perfect treatment in the early stages of Ich, Velvet, fin rot, bacterial lesions, fungus, and external worms. While it’s suitable for marine and freshwater fish species, invertebrates and corals may be affected negatively. Quarantine times vary, but we generally recommend 2 weeks of treatment with ParaGuard™ to clear out any possible external infections. Often, Flukes or Lymphocystis are mistaken for Ich, and these are better treated with ParaGuard™. This item: Seachem for external fungal/bacterial/viral lesions ParaGuard 100ml . And Formalin turning toxic over 70•F was mentioned by Dr. May 15, 2023 · To treat ich with Seachem Paraguard, use the standard daily dosage for 5-7 days. Then since Paraguard effects only last 24 hours after the last dose, I am planing on place my corals and inverts back to DT after the 6-8 weeks treatment period. Safety and Compatibility: It doesn’t contain harsh elements and thus doesn’t alter pH. ParaGuard™ employs a proprietary, synergistic blend of aldehydes, malachite green, and fish protective polymers that effectively and efficiently eradicates many ectoparasites (e. Dosage Instructions: Use 10ml (1 cap) ParaGuard for every 20 gallons of add a HOB filter to QT immediately. And then there is the profit motive. My strain of Ich was apparently the temperature resistant type as I keep my tanks at 86-87 degrees all the time. 3) you cannot (reasonably) treat a display w paraguard, don't do it. May 15, 2023 · Seachem Paraguard. In fact, Ich is so commonly experienced that many tropical fish hosts believe it to be found in every single aquarium. Erythromycin is literally the worst antibiotic choice for fish yet due to the popularity of that infernal Youtube channel it's become the go-to antibiotic for fish. should I stop ich treatment do water change and treat with something else? I only have access to seachem, tropical ,tetra and aquasafe products any advice appreciated! edit: in the tank is 3 bristlenose (all have the white spots) Ich infection could create areas of compromised slime coat that are susceptible to secondary infection by opportunistic bacteria. ) y lesiones fúngicas, bacterianas y virales (por ejemplo, putrefacción en las aletas). Unlike highly t ParaGuard is a super-strength formula which contains a unique blend of herbs such as Wormwood, Pumpkin Seed, Garlic Bulb and more, all of which optimize digestive flora and support a healthy intestinal balance. Thank you very much! The only thing I did kind of differently is that I turned up the heat and used Paraguard at the same time (I turned up water termp to 90 degrees). So, is this solution also safe to use for the other inhabitants in your fish tank? You can find out in this guide from Aquarium Blueprints. , fin rot). The parasites reproduce rapidly in warm water conditions and can quickly kill a fish if left untreated. I ordered some Paraguard and it should be here tomorrow. Hikari Ich-X vs. Paraguard is recommended dosed for 21 days to treat flukes. I always leave the fish and treat the whole tanks, its in your filter, your substrate and on any decor. Nov 23, 2022 · ParaGuard is an effective treatment against ich, a common freshwater fish disease. For quarantine usage, treat new fish with ParaGuard for 2 weeks in a separate tank before introducing them to the main tank. Oct 16, 2005 · Ive used it to treat ich in a planted tank with shrimp rcs and nerites. May 6, 2021 · Sadly I cannot advise with Ich-X but I treated with full dose instructions the first time with heat and API Super Ick Cure and the second time NO heat and Seachem Paraguard (that time it was all Otos in my Q tank). otherwise 55 gallons would be 27. Your pH is not an issue, only if you were interested in breeding them. Some tips: Make sure you use full dose as recommended and for amount of time directed on bottle. Sensitive Fish Feb 6, 2009 · Although it is more commonly used as a treatment for fungus than a treatment for ich, it is rather effective in treating mild infestations of ich from my experience with Methylene Blue. Makes sense now, I dosed paraguard for ich treatment last week and was wondering why it smelled like excel. We have sufficient ParaGuard for 15 days dosing, and being in Australia, we are unable to source more within a short timeframe. i jacked up the temp 93f and doubled the dose of paraguard 3 full caps in 13g also i put 8 full teaspoon of aquarium salt in it . It is better used for flukes and worms or as a preventative medication. I know both companies say that Reef Rally and Paraguard treat flukes. Copper in a quarantine tank will handle the ich and leave your reef tank without fish for 45 days Also, please find a new LFS Dec 4, 2023 · Use 5 mL (1 capful) of ParaGuard for every 40 L (10 US gallons) of water in your aquarium. I did see a thread within the last few days that said IchX cannot be used with Fritz water conditioner (due to some sulfur base ParaGuard™ is appropriate for treating a variety of parasitic infections of exotic fish. 9 fl. They need to be in QT at least 30 days. With ParaGuard, you will need to dose daily for 14 days for a freshwater tank or 28 days for a saltwater tank. My temp now is at 86 deg F for 3 days now and currently using Paraguard and salt. The medicine comes in a 32-ounce bottle, and you need just one drop of the drug per gallon of water. If left untreated, Ich will eventually kill your sick fish. Both flukes and ich have a life cycle which lasts several weeks, so I would recommend treating daily for a minimum of three weeks in order to eradicate the parasites in all stages of * Freshwater Ich/White Spots (Strongest available choice!) * Scratching & Darting * Collapsed Fins * General external parasites * Compare to SeaChem ParaGuard as AAP Super Ich Plus treats 700 gallons more and includes the effective parasite and anti-inflammatory ingredient Quinine Hydrochloride (which ParaGuard does not) for only $2 more!! Thank you for the reply. It is better to try one at Jan 22, 2019 · Paraguard treats ich and does not stain the water or silicone or affect BB. The fish guy recommended Pimafix I recommend paraguard or ich-x and aquarium salt. ) MetroPlex and ParaGuard are typically effective treatment measures for Ich or velvet, which is an external parasitic infection. And after 5 days of treatment, algae was significantly reduced, never seen my tank so clean! Althought i will still use some of these products on occasions, you're absolutely right, they should list the ingredients! Hello, I need some advice on an ich outbreak I've had in my 55 gallon tank for the last two weeks now. I do like to highlight that it is important to use Methylene Blue of pharmaceutical grade as industrial grade Methylene Blue may contain traces of zinc. Seachem has a product called “Paraguard” which supposedly treats ich. Apr 6, 2017 · 1) What is the temperature to successfully treat Ich with heat? 2) With my livestock, what is the temperature I should be using? 3) Im a better safe than sorry kinda guy, so ive been also using Paraguard for the past 4 days now, with no negative effects on any livestock thus far. We have to be away for a few days this coming weekend, minimum 3 maybe 4 days away. Ich can't live when there is a trace of salt in the water. Oct 16, 2009 · If in the future, you run into a marine ich issue, then you can certainly treat with either ParaGuard or Cupramine in your hospital tank. Jan 4, 2024 · Ich, fin rot, ectoparasites, and external fungal infections. Per Pubchem “glutaral” is a brand name for glutaraldehyde. Apr 6, 2022 · When it comes to treatment length, ParaGuard works faster for Freshwater Ich while Cupramine is quicker for Saltwater Ich. Sep 8, 2019 · Also, I wasn't expecting to need to dose for more than 8 days which is what the pack can treat. Quick Summary Protects fish from further infections: Seachem paraguard not only kills existing parasites but also helps protect fish from further infections by helping to boost their immune systems. _____ I always use Seachem Paraguard for ich and it never failed me. I raised the temperature to 86F and treated with Nox-Ich (Malachite green and salt) for 6 days and signs of Ich dissapeared - then did a 50% water change. Mar 19, 2022 · No it’s not reef safe and not only that Paraguard does not cure ich and will generally kill inverts. Just make sure to use carbon after the treatment is done to get it out of the water. Actually, do not need to have it at 89 degrees, 86 degrees will take care of the Ich. Feb 14, 2021 · Looks like ich in freshwater but i have very little saltwater fish experience so i wouldn't be surprised if I'm wrong. Reply reply Seachem ParaGuard is used to treat Fin Rot, Flukes, Ich and Velvet in for community fish in freshwater, brackish water and saltwater aquariums. The thing about ich though is that you can only kill the freeswimming life stages (the embedded parasites are untouchable). You can use it in your tank with other fish and they will be fine. All the fish (including Cories and a BN Plec) survived that with no issues. Nov 15, 2019 · This way I spare the fish immunity from more stress, and myself from removing all my aquascape rocks while treating my entire DT tank for 6-8 weeks with Paraguard Seachem. I took out the carbon and have been doing a 30% water change every other day before administering meds. com FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders ParaGuard™ Eradicates ectoparasites and fungal, bacterial, and viral lesions Safer to dose than formaldehyde, formalin, and methanol Will not adversely effect bio-filter ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available (for parasites on fish). the plants in my tank at the time were anacharis,corkscrew val, moneywort, wisteria, and a couple I have temp at 86 i have paraguard super ich cure and now I’m getting ICHX as it seems to be the best and snail friendly, I’m going to do water changes 10-20% and vac gravel every other day that’s all I can do at this point, unfortunately I am new and thought the white dots were normal when I got fish from LFS now I know better and will never trust a store again Since the otos needed immediate access to algae, I opted to add the new fish to the main tank, quarantine my two mystery snails, and medicate the main tank with Paraguard for two weeks. I just began dosing my tank with Paraguard (75g growout) for an ick outbreak. I purchased new Boraras. In Stock. Sep 22, 2022 · Illness, Health & Nutrition Can´t get rid of ICK Apr 23, 2021 · I have a 130 liter aquarium that practically all fish have velvet disease (Oodinium) so I chose to treat the fish in the main aquarium: 1 Rainbow Shark, 3 Synodontis Petricola, 1 Betta plakat, 10 Mollies, 3 Platy, 3 Neocaridina Shrimp, some plants. Mar 29, 2022 · To prevent the potential spread of infections, you can use a product like the Seachem ParaGuard, which will help ward off Freshwater Ich, Saltwater Ich, Freshwater Velvet, Saltwater Velvet, Fin Rot, Gills Flukes and Skin Flukes. ich, ick or white spot Ich in more Depth. Part C. Paraguard Active Ingredient. Continue treatment for at least three days after the last visible ich spots have disappeared to ensure complete eradication. There are 10 fish and all but 2 show signs of it already. I was wondering if that might be better to use. Another suggestion would be to also cut back on feeding if you’re only using sponge filters. Reply. Per the September 2019 FDA document provided by Seachem, Paraguard is 2. On the other hand, Seachem ParaGuard is the only one of the two to treat Ich and Fin Rot. The wounds and stress ich cause can lead to secondary infections, decreasing chances of survival even Oct 26, 2011 · if you remove the fish from an ich infested tank and cranked the heat up, you should atleast leave it without fish for 3 weeks. C you can straight up kill it with heat, otherwise crank it up as much as your fish will allow. Ich not only causes itchy discomfort, but it can kill your angelfish, if left untreated. g. Re: 89F with paraguard ICH doesnt go away well , its been more than 2 weeks now 18 days and ICH is still persistent . See full list on aquariumblueprints. ParaGuard contains the less toxic form of Formalin. I've been treating it with Paraguard since then but it does not seem to go away, actually it seems to affect some fish more than others, my angels Mar 6, 2020 · Well guess what They have ich spots. Jun 8, 2013 · Paraguard is a broad spectrum treatment that can be effective against both flukes and ich. Copper Treatment Seachem Cupramine is a copper treatment, and is ONLY to be used in a hospital tank without calcium rock or substrate. It worked well. Your clowns are on a timer. Research possible fish diseases and, if in doubt, consult an exotic animal vet. this is what im doing last couple of days to get rid of ICH for sure. Also raised tank temp to speed up the ICH life cycle (if you can safely hit 32 deg. Sep 12, 2017 · Personally I use Paraguard with my discus, but heat is fine for them also because they are very tolerant of high heat. It started with cardinal tetras that I've bought online. “SeaChem ParaGuard” and the stronger "Super Ich Plus" are comparable products (ParaGuard being slightly safer for delicate fish while the AAP Super Ich Plus is stronger and is generally the better choice when available from AAP). Apr 14, 2023 #3 vetteguy53081 so I can't say if Paraguard works for that or not, but it does not I've been also using Paraguard prophylactically, since yesterday. It's terrible, but you have something in your water, and frequent water changes will help dilute that while the meds take care of the rest. And no Kanaplex, no Furan 2 so I saw one lonely Polyguard and bought it. Ich is the most common fish disease and warrants a more in-depth discussion. These herbs have traditionally been used to support digestion and microbial balance. - 603 : Check Price on Amazon: Hikari USA Inc. Today we have noticed what looks to be a second wave of the Ich attack Further most fish being covered with the parasite. Paraguard as an Ich Medication. That would get $. May 16, 2019 · As people said, the Paraguard needs to be re-added daily, but cleaning the tank, water changes, helped to restore the water for me and get my tank righted. Click to expand Apr 4, 2017 · ParaGuard is fine over 70•F for most fish. paraguard breaks down after 24 hours so dose daily. no damage to inverts or plants. Is it okay to continue using it if I need to turn up the temperature? On the other hand, Seachem ParaGuard is the only one of the two to treat Ich and Fin Rot. So can I use Paraguard to treat them without hurting my cherry and amano shrimps? Also would half doses be better than full? If I can't use paraguard would heat & airstone be best. 3 days into Quarantine I spotted one white spot on 2 of the new Chilies. The medication should be added daily to keep the medicating levels high enough to be effective. I treated for Ich with Paraguard. oz. The ich has improved on a few of the cory's but not all and the fungus is not getting any Dec 9, 2015 · Buy Zahler - ParaGuard Liquid Drops - Gut Health Supplement - Formula has Wormwood, Garlic Bulb, Pumpkin Seed, Clove & More - Natural Support for Humans - Certified Kosher (4 Oz) (4 oz. Below are some of the more common infections treatable with ParaGuard™. . Either option is supposed to be good for Ich, and in our experience both were fish safe. I now keep enough Paraguard on hand to treat my largest tank. If the spots have disappeared, it sounds like the treatment is working. Nov 16, 2021 · I already started treating for ich but reading online it does say ich treatments do not work for epistylis. Oct 2, 2001 · ParaGuard employs a proprietary, synergistic blend of aldehydes, malachite green, and fish protective polymers that effectively and efficiently eradicates many ectoparasites on fish (e. Dec 9, 2007 · Re: Need Help with Paraguard Usage for Ich ParaGuard can be used as a preventative measure for diseases as well as a treatment. Jan 18, 2014 · After THAT, our danios and neons started flashing, so we tried Paraguard, starting at 1/8 dose, up to full dose. Dec 30, 2019 · Ich X says not to use with other meds but this has since been proven false by many hobbyists. All was good for 2-3 weeks and then fish started showing signs of Ich again. Near the end of the Paraguard 24 hour period, we are doing a 25% water change & gravel clean. Nov 17, 2024 · Preview Product; Seachem ParaGuard, 500 mL / 16. If the fish are showing signs of stress, I would recommend reducing the amount of medication in the water either by a partial water change or by pulling it out with carbon or Cuprisorb. My question is now that i have reached the end of the safe duration of these medications what should i do? I ran out of Paraguard so I went to buy. With any parasite, we recommend treating for a minimum of 3 weeks (21 days) in order to kill the parasites in all stages of its life cycle. You should only use one of these products to treat the following: Freshwater Ich (Ichthyophthirius) Saltwater Ich (Cryptocaryon) Freshwater Velvet (Piscinoodinium) Mar 10, 2017 · There are other medications which might also be effective, like Seachem ParaGuard™; however Cupramine is considered to be the gold standard when it comes to Ich medications. You can take a look at our comparison table for the General Cure and ParaGuard below. Ich x - Ich Treatment with More 16oz Aug 15, 2024 · Ich is one of the most common aquarium diseases. I've used paraguard before to treat a betta with nerites in the tank without any deaths. That way ANY ich cysts would have hatched and died. Mar 12, 2020 · Treating Ich is not something to experiment with since time is critical. Feb 21, 2020 · I have treated a lot of corydoras with Paraguard, but can use any anti-parasite blend that includes malachite green. The thing is that a small few of my fishes are producing a thin white, very long string of poop for quite some time. I have been using ParaGuard from Seachem the last 5 days and have taken out all Carbon filtration. Keep your fish feeling their best with the many different Seachem® aquarium products that are available at PetSmart. Keep in mind that many parasites and diseases will mimic the symptoms of Ich or Velvet, and not all of these are best treated with Cupramine. Oct 5, 2018 · I have the paragaud already dosed into the tank for almost a week because my calvus had ich and so I already treated with paraguard, my fish are all between 1 and 1. I'm not sure about IchX. Seachem ParaGuard provides daily treatment for aquarium fish that are suffering from Fin Rot, Flukes, Ich and/or Velvet. It worked and when the Ich was gone, they remained in Q for longer still. Oct 23, 2024 · Just bought paraguard to help out with Ich for my Cherry barbs. Posted by u/Azu_Creates - 1 vote and 1 comment Apr 14, 2023 · For marine ich and velvet, copper is a better choice imo. If you notice your angelfish are showing signs of ich, chemical treatment will be required. Everyone who buys fish regularly should have some Ich treatment on hand. Paraguard is best if your fish are showing signs of ich or other bacterial infections. Weco Nox-Ich is a fast-acting and effective treatment that can be used against Ich and other pathogens in freshwater and saltwater tanks. Sep 13, 2022 · Apologies in advance as there is lots of great info out there on Ich/ick. 5ml of paraguard everyday for the recommended 14 day minimum treatment. This product is sold in liquid form to be added to your tank in the correct dosage as indicated by the dosing table and bottle cap. Paraguard is good when used correctly and not as a dip for Ich. Jun 25, 2015 · Re: Any Seachem products interfere with Paraguard for Ich treatment? Hi guys, Just wanted to say that I completed a 3 week treatment and the Ich is gone! I took most of your advice. com ParaGuard should be ok, but higher temp is more likely to work. 3. It provides quick action against many common illnesses such as fin rot, white spot disease (ich), tail/mouth rot, cloudy eyes, ulcers, velvet disease and more. Add air-stone while treating to increase available oxygen. Medication should dissolve even into the areas of low flow in the filter media, and ich trophonts in the filter aren't a concern anyways, it's the free-swimming ones in the water column that may infect fish. Richmond Loh, a fish vet. Be aware that many diseases and infections share similar physical and behavioral symptoms, e. Ive been treating a particularly tough outbreak of ich for 29 days now with paraguard daily and metroplex treated food. Paraguard FDA statement. Paraguard is ideal for use as a preventive measure or for treating mild infections. It says to treat for 14 days May 20, 2021 · PraziPro does not help ich in your fish. I verified this with water test conducted by a trusted LFS in town. For this reason we suggest dosing as needed until the fish is clear of the Nov 10, 2020 · Ich treatment without a diagnosis of ich is a bad idea. ich, etc. Jun 24, 2013 · Ich or Cryptocaryon is usually quite treatable with Cupramine, but some strains are more resistant than others. I went to Petland and asked for a stronger medication (kinda expecting Rid Ich or Ich X) but both meds are not available. ParaGuard is oftentimes Mar 22, 2012 · ParaGuard doesn't contain any copper, so I wouldn't use it as a replacement marine ich treatment in general. 5 inches and the QT is a twenty gallon tank. They have new spots in places. Nov 11, 2024 · Paraguard and other Ich meds only are effective on free swimming stages, not on the parasite on the fish itself. When it comes to Velvet, the treatment length for Cupramine is 16 days while the length for ParaGuard can be anywhere from 14 to 21 days. The ich vanished immediately, and I've seen no other signs of a problem, so I'm hoping to stop Paraguard after two weeks if that seems reasonable. By the time Ich is visible to the eye it has already been affecting the fish for days. Can you use Metroplex and ParaGuard at the same time? Seachem doesn’t recommend that you use Metroplex and ParaGuard at the same time unless you absolutely need to. Mar 30, 2022 · The Seachem ParaGuard is a multipurpose treatment as you can use it to fight off fish diseases like Freshwater Ich (Ichthyophthirius), Saltwater Ich (Cryptocaryon), Freshwater Velvet (Piscinoodinium), Saltwater Velvet (Amyloodinium), Fin Rot, Gills Flukes (Monogenenean trematodes) and Skin Flukes (Dactylogyrus trematodes). Seachem PolyGuard PolyGuard treats not only parasitic diseases but bacterial and fungal diseases as well. Seachem ParaGuard Comparison Chart. They are pretty simple plants, Ludwigia Repens, Crinum Calamistratum, Rosette Sword (Echinodorus parviflorus, Narrow Leaf Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus), and Amazon frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum). API General Cure vs. This is a tank set up in order monitor and medicate new fish before they go into the main tank. Sep 11, 2019 · 55 gallons is a lot to treat everyday so maybe if you reduce the amount of water you can help save the amount of paraguard you use. Product Highlights. It is worth noting that Cupramine and ParaGuard should NOT be used together. If you are planning to do a water change with tap water while using treating your fish with ParaGuard, then you can check out this tutorial at Aquarium Blueprints to see how you can safely do so with Seachem Prime. Of course, copper can be harder on the fish, too. Paraguard is pretty good; although amazingly expensive (since you have to redose every day). I do have some live plants, that are pretty new and regretfully no way to remove them for a few weeks. I personally use ich-x, and so does everyone else that I know who keeps aquariums including those who own fish stores. It is formulated as a liquid and is added directly to the aquarium water. 2) you cannot treat ich w paraguard. I assume that they don't have Brooklynella or Velvet as I think you would have seen those diseases by now. Jul 14, 2020 · Re: Experience with Seachem Paraguard? With all due respect to Liz, I used Paraguard to treat Ich w my discus a year or two ago wo incident. I have 6 in a ten gallon cycled tank with good parameters and temperature. Domestic discus are much more tolerant of high pH than wilds. Get it as soon as Tuesday, Dec 24. As a veterinary pathologist I have the luxury of being able to necropsy a couple of the dead fish and Apr 2, 2012 · I like paraguard for dips or if i want to bomb a freshwater planted tank or a marine fish only tank to kill flukes or the other ciliate parasites (not ich). ParaGuard™ employs a proprietary, synergistic blend of aldehydes, malachite green, and fish protective polymers that effectively and efficiently eradicates many ectoparasites (e. Effective against a range of parasites: Seachem paraguard is an effective treatment for a variety of common fish diseases caused by parasites, including ich and Our goldfish have been well but we think we have an Ich situation in our 70 Gal tank with 5 mature fish (2 to 5 years). So odd the fish is flashing but is also gaining weight and its body condition is improving i would think the infection/parasite would cause the fish to decline. Should I go ahead and order something else with Victoria Green, like paraguard, online in anticipation for longer treatment? I could also look at getting kordon ich attack plus, but I have nerites in the tank that would need to be removed. It is safe and effective. Personally, I have successfully treated ich, fin rot, and fungal infections with Paraguard. 5g of metronidazole. Apr 16, 2024 · That is one reason we like to elevate those water temps when treating Ich - the higher temps will definitely get things moving along much quicker to kill the Ich (but may prove lethal to your fish, if you are dealing with Epistylis). I did follow their specific duration and dose directions exactly. so far i lost the guppy , 1 panda cory and 1 ParaGuard ™ emplea una mezcla sinérgica y exclusiva de aldehídos, verde de Malaquita y polímeros protectores para los peces que erradica con eficacia y eficiencia muchos ectoparásitos externos en los peces (ich, etc. $7. Paraguard contains two active ingredients: praziquantel and metronidazole. Because of the unscaled fishes (1 Rainbow Shark, 3 Synodontis Petricola) and. ) and external fungal/bacterial/viral lesions (e. Even thought they've been active, breathing normally and eating with appetite. Before moving the new Boraras in, I gave the tank a fairly thorough "gravel" vac (it's sand) and moved a few plants. Apr 20, 2020 · Our Best Ich Treatment Reviews and Comparisons 1. I had assumed that Paraguard would kill the parasite while finding it's host. clamped fins, lesions, loss of appetite. 99 $ 7. They stated it was because of lack of research. 5% “glutaral”. A gentle yet effective treatment, Seachem Paraguard targets various types of external parasites, including ich, without harming aquatic plants. I have a bunch of beloved ramshorn and bladder snails and I want to keep them safe while treating the guppies. Feb 29, 2016 · I have successfully treated ich, fin rot, and fungal infections with Paraguard. Mar 7, 2017 · Thank you for your response, I truly appreciate it! My concern is for dosing prime to keep fish safe from ammonia during a fish-in cycle, and while treating for Ich. If you're just doing preventative treatment, you could try just the ParaGuard, although the copper likely is more effective on average. I bought the barbs from a PetSmart a couple of days ago that were in a fish tank with a go Can using Paraguard to treat ich affect the levels of my aquarium this much?! I tested my water yesterday and they weren't this high!! Planning on doing a 50% water change and using API quick start. The ich is only visible on a few Cardinal Tetras but one or two Botia striata is also showing signs of irritation. Warranty Description : Syringe included for easy measurement : Model Name : PARAGUARD 500ML : Size : 2 Bottles 500ml + Syringe Sep 12, 2018 · Hi, I have seen ich in my tetras, rainbows and Gourami. I am having trouble finding out if I should do water changes/how often when dosing. However this doesn’t explain why one company recommends it as an Ich treatment and the other doesn’t since the strengths are reflected in the dosage rates with 5g Metroplex treating 150 gal compared to 20 gal for General Cure. some but the cheapskate store had only 100ml's for double the price. Whether you’re looking for water conditioners, plant substrates, stability systems, filters or more, we have what you need. If Paraguard were able to treat the ich in my tank, would I be seeing signs of improvement by now? Should I continue with the Paraguard, or should I give it up as a lost cause and switch to something stronger? May 4, 2023 · Seachem Paraguard is an effective and safe solution for treating a wide range of bacterial, viral, protozoan, and fungal diseases in aquariums. The ingredients are moderately toxic so it's not worth the risk if you don't actually have ich. Ships from and sold by Angelfish are more vulnerable to ich than other fish species. Feb 24, 2017 · CONCLUSION paraguard imo is a good prophylactic or receiving tank treatment because it does treat other diseases however if the fish are showing signs of a parisitic infestation it would be better to go straight to the copper or CP. Can you use PraziPro and Paraguard together? It is not recommended to use powerful medications and treatments together. The problem with products containing malachite green (or methylene blue) is that they stain decor and sometimes silicone sealant, so you will want to remove any decorations that Mar 12, 2020 · Treating Ich is not something to experiment with since time is critical. i upped my temp to 82f to speed up ich cycle and added aeration. A similar quantity of General Cure contains only 500mg. Mar 22, 2024 · Weco Nox-Ich water treatment is a lesser-known Ich medication that’s nonetheless very effective. 99. Reply reply Look into Seachem Paraguard, I know it treats ick and bacterial. Jun 13, 2019 · 1) T he reason ParaGuard's dosing instructions are vague is because ParaGuard treats parasitic, fungal, bacterial, and viral, and being that it is such a broad-spectrum antibiotic means that the dosing length will vary based on the type of infection that your fish has. im tired of dealing with it . How is your experience with Paraguard treating ich? This is my only option for ich medicine in my country Jan 25, 2023 · I did a quick check and Metroplex is indeed stronger, with 5 grams containing about 3. So, what is Ich exactly? To put it simply, Ich is a parasite that appears on the body, fins and gills of fish. Aug 27, 2013 · I have wrote previously about a suspected Ich infection going through my 90 gallon tank. Tank 1 seems cured, but not sure what helped out most between the methelyn blue, paraguard or polyguard. ParaGuard™ is gentle enough to use prophylactically (without visible symptoms) if needed. They may have flukes and/or ich without visible symptoms. You can take a look at this step-by-step tutorial to see how you can use ParaGuard as a preventative treatment. The ich still seems to be present although its much better. If you doubt paraguard with every fiber of your being, then gradually up the temp to 86°F and let it sit for 2 weeks. I used a malachite green & formaldehyde medicine (paraguard has malachite green) which dealt with the ICH pretty well. I'll try and find the source again. I have been treating them for 3 days with Nox-Ich and it doesn't seem to be working very well. Jun 3, 2019 · Not sure what you are trying to treat with the clowns. My plan is to use Paraguard for 7 days in a row, unless you advise me otherwise. I also dip all incoming plants in it overnight to reduce the risk of ich outbreaks in my main tanks. today I woke up to my juliedochromise dead. Aquarium hobbyists are constantly faced with the challenge of keeping their fish healthy and free from parasites. Paraguard is a medication for aquarium fish used to treat various parasitic infections, including Ich (White Spot Disease), velvet, and other common parasites. Kindly advice if Seachem ParaGuard could be used effectively to cure ichthyophthiriasis in a heavily planted aquarium without adversely affecting the plants. May 10, 2014 · About a week later I got an Ich breakout in the tank, my first in 10 years. In comparison, Ich-X is mainly used for Freshwater Ich and Saltwater Ich. On the other hand, Seachem ParaGuard can be used to treat other diseases like Velvet, Fin Rot and Flukes. i stopped dosing 5 days after last spot. , Drop) on Amazon. I did a 20% PWC yesterday, before my first dose of paraguard, and my ammonia readings for today are okay, but I just want to be sure for the following days, whether I should just keep doing pwc's or just dose prime. I wouldn't necessarily recommend treating with both, to avoid placing stress on the fish. used at recommended dose as well. Group 4: A minor outbreak of Ich. Unfortunately one of my guppies is showing signs of ich, and I have ordered Seachem Paraguard as well as an aquarium heater to deal with that. These discussions are long and boring and only for real nerds, like the author. If you decide to treat with meds you need to hit it hard with a decent (not herbal) med and get it in quickly. Because ich has an direct but complex life cycle with durable cycsts that sit in the gravel, youd have to treat paraguard every day for months. mdhl mywa suqgdm wwbemit sypko bdwa emkgbr kdrkjhq xvqjcehv ytnk izan dxa jnc aqarai tvog