Mhw best switch axe. Another shoutout for Power Prolonger.

Mhw best switch axe And switching to elemental ones based on enemies. anti-Frenzy: Frevel/Sursis is situationally one of the best Switch Axes in the game, at least when it comes to raw damage output. 7-0. It has a great raw, an actually decent chunk of blue sharpness, very high Thunder Element (an element many monsters have some sort of weakness to), on top of having the coveted Anti-Aerial Species Ramp Up. I made good use of this Switch Skill for H7 Monsters What can I do with Raging Brachydios Switch Axe?? How can I make it good?? Watch this guide so you can fully max your switch axe skills!! Let me know in the I know that the kulve elemental axes are quite an upgrade for elemental. Notice, u/Stylin8888 has flaired this post as MHW! Please make sure your contribution discusses that particular game. The power axe part damage multiplier makes it do more part damage than sword mode anyway I think. Read on to learn vital information such as Attack rating, Affinity rating, Weapon element, slots, and more. Mar 19, 2024 · Thunder Axe is a Switch Axe Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Best switch axe. Elementless & Evasion Build Pour Switch Axe Weapons with a single big attack are fit best (which is why GS is the best option) but Dual Blades are also high on the list. I think it’s just preference based on play style etc, I played most of Base MHW with EE2/3 and it felt great back then because I spent pretty much the whole hunt in sword mode only switching to axe mode briefly to replenish the sword gauge. Switch Axe fan myself, in sword mode doesn’t bounce unless you get to red sharpness, axe has longer reach and can launch people all I need to know to love it. It does come with some good raw damage during the early upgrades, which is of course the real basis for damage with this weapon, and it does come with some thunder element damage which as we’ve established is great against some key monsters. Jan 10, 2021 · A Switch Axe "Guide" for my ZSD spamming homies. I did Alatreon's ice form with Thunder before I had a proper fire SA. What they forget is that diablos weapons need heavy decoration sets to get the most out of, which you won’t have access to for a long time. Anything that relies on Wirebug skills and prefers Wind Mantle and/or Frenzied Bloodlust is at the bottom of the list because those two skills want the weapon to always be drawn while Frostcraft wants it to be sheathed Oct 23, 2020 · True Fatalis End is a Master Rank Switch Axe Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Share Sort by: Best. There are three option of dodging with switch axe, usual dodge, morph attack and and slinger burst. Learn what's the best Switch Axe to use in Iceborne including the best Iceborne starter Switch Axe up until pre and post-Fatalis Switch Axe! Oh it was mainly for survivability (huge elemental defense), since it was a pretty early build I had. It’s surprisingly good and with the two nami pieces alone you get 3 evade extender 4 evade window and 2 water attack. finally giving gunlance a proper try and it was KIND of the same problem with the "real" velkhana fight but not quite as bad as lance and it's pretty fun. Aug 21, 2022 · Read this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Switch Axe guide on the best weapon tier ranking & by elements. The good thing about the finisher is that you don’t have to hit anything to get the increased part break buff. Posted by u/MommyTommyB - 66 votes and 16 comments Thunder works for Alatreon as well, and the Kirin switch axe is probably the best option (other than Kulve) for it. A quick video showing my favorite (only) playstyle o Rapid Morph is a critical skill for switch axes. Might be a little late but; Dying Light (SA) (Dragon Jewel 1) Bazel Helm B (Earplug Jewel 3, Dragon Jewel 1) Dober Mail B (Brace Jewel 3) Xeno’jiva Claws A (Vitality Jewel 1) Bazel Coil B (Defense Jewel 1) Dober Greaves B (Defense Jewel 1) Attack Charm lv. Going back to rise the switch axe feels incredible and versatile. Blackwing Switch Axe II 945 210 25% Pow ; Nergal Gash 665 120 Pow . Axe of Hades Information. Trying to maximize damage so the zero sum discharge spam does more damage per tick. What are other good switch axes against alatreon that arent ice element? The most common strategy people use with switch axe is ZSD spam but it gets really boring, and as someone who comes from the older games it doesn't feel like my beloved switch axe. Jan 17, 2024 · Want to learn about the best Switch Axe Builds for Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne? Look no further than our best endgame builds for Switch Axe! This build is made on Iceborne's last patch and is a build that is centered around Iceborne's Meta Endgame builds. Oct 24, 2020 · Switch Axe Best Combos. IE Rapid Morph 2, Crit Eye 1, 3-1-0. What will help with that is doing Wild Axe (the infinite axe swing) and using the Heavy Slam finisher after 3 or more swings. Please make sure your contribution discusses that particular game. For tailcut, just use power axe and use lots of rising slash, overhead slash, and 1-hit wild swing into overhead slash. 2 Attack V, 1 Attack VI, and 2 Sharpness V is good if you can consistently hit weak points or use protective polish. If you dont break the horn in time, you cant deal elemental damage, so im probably not gonna use the kjarr ice or frostfang barioth switch axe. IMO the top 3 are: Jagras Raider III (for sleep and stun builds), Dying Light (for Elder Dragons, which is a lot of your farming; it also have 45% more affinity than Axe of Demons) and the aforementioned Axe of Demons (highest raw SA in the game) for general purpose. It has a 0. Use evade extender. Submit. A couple of the best early game switch axes are the Jagras Rider III and the Barroth Breaker III, in that order. Because of of this, I thought the game was slow and kind of boring. Saft youll need tons of dracolite so either way youre gonna have to farm a shit ton lol. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal. First mission fail in a long while today though. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One/Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and iOS! Mar 11, 2019 · Augment for Affinity, Health, and Power for best returns. So for those unaware, Switch Axe has two modes that are independent of each other. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Slot in Decos for Crit Eye, WEX, Critboost and Attackboost if missing. If you want to truly evasive. All footage was captured on the most recent Iceborne DLC. Dec 22, 2024 · Switch Axe (スラッシュアックス surasshu akkusu, "slash axe") is one out of the fourteen weapon categories in Monster Hunter Wilds (MHW). Hey, My question is related to the Switch Axe. Switch to manage your sword bar and try to keep your charge active, especially in base you always wanna be swinging sword if you have power(I run power prolonger). Higher damage than Narga, exhaust phials are fantastic, and low-but-worka Nov 18, 2024 · This is a guide to the best builds and equipment for Switch Axe in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. The animation locks were hard to handle and the axe mode was pointless filler that broke any damage momentum you had from sword. Anyways I'm using the Switch Axe now, what tree should I invest in? What you want to do with switch axe is to do small pokes in axe form to get enough sword meter up. true. Now we both dabble with other weapons, I am trying to learn Bow & Gun Lance and my friend is learning LS and Bow. If you're going to run elemental switch axe, kjarr is the way to go. Exhaust phial has always been my favourite type of Switch Axe, and I'm really enjoying it in Rise. Pros: Ruinous Light boasts an extremely high raw, at 1015, and an equally high white sharpness. It's vital for ZSD spam, but even for just general sword-heavy play, it goes a really long way. That doesn't make things impossible, just tricky: the key is ZSD spam, unfortunately. Tigrex axe + Razor Sharp is probably the overall peak "build one axe and call it a day" option IMO. Avec cette version Switch Axe, vous aurez une très haute affinité et des taux critiques vous permettant de faire beaucoup de dégâts par coup. Iceborne addressed quite a bit of the core issues. However, if you just try and ZSD spam her you're going to get rekt. Late-Game Non-Fatalis Switch Axe All-Purpose Build (Grants 100% Affinity when all conditions meet). If you decide you want to speed run you'll need to invest in elemental axes. Mar 11, 2019 · Augment for Affinity, Health, and Power for best returns. Choosing the right Phial for you will be one of the most important things to keep in mind whenever you The viable part breaking axe mode along with the clutch claw ZSD makes it feel way better than rise. Switch axe has two modes. Jan 5, 2024 · Switch Axes can, as their name implies, switch from an axe form to a sword form. Generally speaking, you are looking for 2-slot efficiency, as the 2-slots are what are needed for your most important armor skills (rapid morph, weakness exploit, crit boost, attack boost, and critical eye, with perhaps razor sharp or evade extender for comfort). Sword has natty minds eye, weaken hard parts or run minds eye to keep axe from bouncing. That is not to say that Affinity Skills have no place in a Switch Axe's build. Below is a list of Switch Axes found in Monster Hunter World, in a comparative table showing their effectiveness and upgrade paths. You're actually going to need to manage all modes of your switch axe to effectively hit her. Otherwise build as you would any raw switch ax. Axes with power or elemental phial does more ZSD damage but also gain slower and won't fill your whole bar. In general, 2-3 points in any beneficial skill is going to be good. Learn about the best early game Switch Axes, and the best Skills and Armor pieces to use with the Switch Axes for Low Rank. Maybe it helps someone in needs for a build like this. For example, when she's downed from either a flinch shot or you disrupting her and she's in dragon mode, you'll be better off using the wild swings in power axe mode to break the horn. Fire isn't absolutely necessary. As far as Evade Extender and Evade Window, this is personal preference. Nasty. Jagras Helm α + Kulu Mail α + Bone Vambraces α + Beo Coil α Girros Greaves α + Handicraft Charm For weps I used Iron Eschaton or Jagras deathclaw for early game. My gosh. Knowing which moves to utilize and when to stop and morph back to Axe is the key thing to master MHW Switch Axe. After the roar wear off sheath immediately. Learn about the best Switch Axe for Sunbreak and the best builds and Armor pieces to use with the Switch Axe for Low, High, and Master Rank. Teostra's Arx Information In terms of the ‘best’ Kulve switch axes, you only really need the Kjarr King (Fire) and Kjarr Stream (Ice) axes to deal with Alatreon and the rest are pretty much useless due to world switch axe benefitting from raw damage over element. Teostra's elemental phial means getting to the amped state faster for more elemental hits + a 25% boost to the naturally higher blast value + a unique ramp up skill that means that blast procs deal an extra 20% damage all makes it a better blast switch axe Dec 13, 2024 · For the best Monster Hunter Now Switch Axe build, the good news is that it's a far less premium-rated build. Axe of Demons is one of the best for damage but needs level 4 Handicraft for white sharpness. I'm a casual gamer and not hardcore gamer yet I'm able to solo alatreon with switch axe. En sacrifiant la netteté de l'arme, cette version présente également quelques fonctionnalités de survie avec la compétence Evasion Extender. Includes recommended equipment, elements, decorations, and skills! Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. Id recommend grinding for those then upgrading them instead. At the time of my writing this post, we're stuck on Viper Tobi-Kadachi. Weapon from the Diablos Monster Everyone has been using Switch Axe on him. 0-1. Power Axe is incredibly easy to turn on at will. Right now I'm looking at the Teostra one that does like 630 damage + 300 blast. Best. your best choice is to use frostfang barrioth switch axe, it has enough element to make the dps check a cake walk with just a few points of ice attack (the assignments alatreons always start on fire mode so use ice) There are still cases where a power phial switch axe outperforms its peers of the same element though, like the Daora Switch axe’s white sharpness and special ramp-up skill making it the best ice switch axe, Despot’s cloudburst’s anti-aquatic ramp-up skill making it the best option for aquatic monsters, or the Rathalos Switch axe’s Oct 23, 2020 · - What 2nd augment would you recommend for the switch axe? - Elderseal jewel or dragon jewel, which one will increase overall damage more? I already have a health augment. The 2-staged morph slash combo is one of my favorite damage combos to go for when utilizing it, and the Rapid Morph skill is going to increase the phase switches between the sword and axe forms and the damage of morph attacks in that combo. Or you can use the best Combo O+R2+R2 which uses a lot of Morphing Attacks and is infinite b) there is a Counter Switch Skill with Hyper Armor called Invicible Gambit. Edit: If you’re unsure when he’s diving all of his spikes will be black and he’ll roar. Which augment would increase damage more? Attack? Element (dragon)? I'm using the Alatreon switch axe. Learn about the best Switch Axes for the Sunbreak expansion and the best Skills and Armor pieces to use with the Switch Axes for Low, High, and Master Rank. I just don’t use long sword not one of my preferred weapons, SA and IG Well im rockin the safi SA blast and when it procs its ether 300 or 600 depending on the monster, got it to 1400 attk and all i do is spam zero sum lol its like 1800 a discharge and i can just spam it. Post 3 elders, but before the final boss and the follow up monster, the best general damage axe is the final Tigrex axe. Not having much trouble. Feb 1, 2024 · Dying Light is a Switch Axe Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Axe mode boasts power and long reach, while sword mode features faster attacks and explosive finishers. It really depends on what you favor. Aug 21, 2022 · Read this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Switch Axe guide on the best loadout & armor build for this weapon. But switch axe just feels so satisfying to use for me because of the morphing between weapons and of course, explosions. Another thing to mention here is the ability to charge up the Amped state of Switch Axe. Fill Up Gauge To Morph To Sword Mode That said, I want to try to approach MHW differently. You cannot use Sword mode if your Switch Gauge is below 30%. Switch Axes have a unique effect as part of their stats, known as Phials. As I said before, every weapon type in Monster Hunter has unique advantages, and exploiting these advantages makes the difference between an ineffective build and a good one. Read on to learn more! Power prolonger is super useful and partbreaker on an amped axe mode is instantly powerful. Im kinda iverwhelmed by which Build of armor i should go before Alatreon. I dig evade I have mostly just used the highest bone switch axe I could make. The best setup you can use in Monster Hunter World that focuses on a Switch Axe is by I just beat MHW and just started iceborne (only just fought the 1st monster in iceborne) and I'm wondering what a good option for the Switch Axe would be. Top. New. Dying Light 700 150 Pow . Switch axes had different gauge gaining rate depend on the type. New comments cannot be posted. Axe mode is much stronger than in the base game, and more mobile than ever. After playing the Rise demo, I realized I was a fool. the Magalas or Frenzied/Apex monsters, that affinity value transforms to be 60% affinity. Oct 9, 2020 · ★ Monster Hunter Rise and its expansion MHRise: Sunbreak is out now for the Nintendo Switch & PC, then for PlayStation, XBox, & Game Pass on January 20, 2023! Head on over to our MHRise Wiki for the latest guides and strategies about all things MHRise! Behemoth Armor for master's touch, and KT para Axe. Pukei SA/Deep Lagoon (same stats as Legiana SA but Water Element) in comparison to the Namielle SA the difference becomes evident. 1x multiplier on all the little explosions. At that time I couldn't reliably wallbang to maintain agitator, or just surviving in general, but the goal was to get 1 para and switch out to the other set anyway so I didn't bother rebuilding it. Bockabee. During zsd you stick on a monster, they cant knock you back or interrupt you in any way. The Switch Axe's playstyle on the other hand allows you to be an aggressive glass cannon, an angry little cat zooming around with it's big big zero sum discharging axe-boom. The switch axe didn’t get a crazy-good non-elemental KT weapon like the longsword Taroth Sword “Fire”. 60 votes, 72 comments. Find out info on stats, weapon skills, and why they're good. 3 Ive gotten most of my axes to rarity 10-11 after main story, got myself a half decent armor set, now just need a bunch of lv4 decos to go for damage. I currently… I main Switch Axe since MH3 and yet i haven't wondered how good Elemental / Status Switch Axe is. Para switch axe is a lot of fun. The Switch Axe is a massive and bulky type of weapon, that performs devastating attacks. Dec 27, 2022 · This page contains the list of all Safi'jiiva Switch Axes obtained from the Safi'jiiva Siege in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Teostra’s castle is a fun one for blast. Apr 19, 2024 · Lightbreak Axe is a Master Rank Switch Axe Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Jan 19, 2022 · Abyssal Storm Axe is one of two Switch Axes debated as "the best" Switch Axe for Monster Hunter Rise. Didn't go fully prepared though. 8x average multiplier on element on most attacks that IG has. 09 Oct I think I picked it because it seemed the most simple. if you take a look at the C. What is a good switch axe set for high rank? Locked post. All that's really holding it back is that split affinity value, but when you purge yourself of the Frenzy Virus in fights vs. I almost killed Fatty for the 1st Aug 21, 2022 · The Switch Axe has a Switch Gauge that moderates the time of use between Axe and Sword mode. Mar 18, 2024 · Teostra's Arx is a Switch Axe Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). This means that if the phial is a non power phial type, the weapon is considered without an element. Dec 27, 2022 · Switch Axes do not need much in terms of offensive skills because they naturally place high up in the damage charts. Claw attacks are actually very good against him, because when you're grabbed on to his body you can avoid the majority of his attacks. The Ruinous Light gets our 3rd place spot since it can be built for both Zero Sum Discharge spam, and also just a swing Switch Axe playstyle. Axe mode has one of the fastest base movement speed, and all of its attacks are relatively non committal. Like all Weapons, it features a unique moveset and an upgrade path that branches out depending on the materials used. With switch axes sheath speed you’ll just narrowly have enough time to sheath and then dive. Jan 18, 2024 · Axe of Hades is a Master Rank Switch Axe Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Hello there fellow Switch Axe users! I'm coming to you with a question from a fresh Monster Hunter player. This is even more true since ZSD does really bad part damage. The Switch Axe is so much fun. Dec 6, 2019 · The switch axe morphs between axe and sword modes. Mar 10, 2020 · 【MHW:I】Velkhana Switch Axe Solo 03'31''80 イヴェルカーナ スラッシュアックス 冰咒龙 斩击斧. Posted by u/radioactiveblob - 7 votes and 3 comments The main issue right now is that you don't gain any new extra skill by not running Master touch, so even mixed sets give you the game skills and you even lose some stuff like heat guard and Blast atack. Not a single monster will be able to touch you. Weapon from the Fatalis Monster From there you want Attack Up, Weakness Exploit, and Critical Eye. Think of axe mode as the safe mode. No one meta, lots of weapon options and even build options. ) for General killing. Read on to learn all the best armor sets to use for the Switch Axe and the best skills to help you level up faster. Full attack awakenings is best for most players. Our first recommendation is a rather unusual one. Another shoutout for Power Prolonger. Using the Axe mode refills this Switch Gauge while using the Sword Mode depletes the gauge. I personally love Long Sword and my friend has decided to be a Switch Axe user. Nov 18, 2024 · This is a guide to the best low rank builds for Switch Axe in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Life pro tip for IG, any glaive with spirit and strength boost will be the strongest for every element combined. For the end of basegame, the best switch axe is the Defender Switch Axe V, followed by the Luna/Nerg Empress Axe “Ruin”. The Reconqueress is the best progression Switch Axe for most of Base Rise. This essentially gives you two different and powerful movesets to hunt monsters with! In this guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know to make the most of a Switch Axe build in World and its Iceborne expansion! Jan 15, 2024 · Here’s our best Switch Axe build in Monster Hunter World. Pre-3 Elder Dragons your Best Axes are the Ice Axe and The Conquistador (the exhaust phile one). All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Dec 27, 2022 · This is a guide to Game8's recommended Switch Axes in Monster Hunter World (MHW) and MHW Iceborne! Read on to find out which Switch Axes we think are the best and our explanations as to why! Dec 27, 2022 · This is a list of the best Switch Axe for the highest potential elemental damage in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Basically SA got screwed pretty hard for this fight, we get the same damage multiplier as DB and bow. They tend to also come with free Latent Power 1 or 2 as well as enough slots to run speed sharpening 3 and in the case of Barioth SA, some free ice attack. A true Swagaxe Man is not a Swagaxe Man, they are a Swagaxes Man. Before we get into any specific builds, let’s first discuss what makes for one of the best Switch Axe builds for MHW. SA benefits from evade for positioning and so evade SA is amusing and benefits from a very aggressive play style. For fights where you stay in Power Axe mode, I don't find it very necessary. Rathalos is great for fire damage and my go to for Vaal Hazak but also needs level. All of the best combos of MHW Switch Axe come from Sword mode. Axe mode is heavily underused in Iceborne by most in favor of ZSD, but unless you are trying to speedrun there's no reason to avoid it. It also has good reach which can help against some low flying monsters. I can't believe this is what I've been missing out on. Dec 11, 2020 · This is a list of the best Switch Axe to use in Monster Hunter World Iceborne. All of the little phial explosions during amp state really make the most of elemental damage and those add up. Phials offer a variety of extremely powerful effects specifically for the Switch Axe’s Sword Form. BUT FIRST! I HIGHLY recommend going down the Thunder weapon tree in Switch Axe as your initial main type for various reasons: Exactly, the reason lies behind Velk's SA's stats: The combination of high raw, high element and foremost purple sharpness and its modifier for raw and element (probably 1,125) make it more powerful than the Legiana Switch Axe. Use the fade slash more ofter, you can just do one or two hits then fade slash out, great for sniping damage. Jul 22, 2020 · Best Switch Axe in MHW: Baseline Build. Throw in some Evade Extender and Evade Window and it becomes really reminiscent to some Fromsoft games, which is quite different from what I've gotten used to but damn is Sep 16, 2024 · Switch Axe (スラッシュアックス surasshu akkusu, "slash axe") is a weapon category in Monster Hunter World (MHW). You move fast, have good rolls and your combos are all short meaty hits. Slap element on a 20 element bug like vezirstag 3 forz or foliacath 3 forz, boost it with any slinger ammo, and you have yourself 1225 element on your bug not restricted by a shitty 0. The wild swing + slinger shot slide is basically your get out of jail card. . I recommended slotting in paralysis jewels. I think if you google Metahemoth MHW you should find decent pre Iceborne Sets. Early Endgame, you'll want a rank 8 Axe such as the Nergigante one (Dying Light), Diablos (Axe of Demons, once you find and build around it to negate affinity loss, with armor and elementless gem, etc. Jan 8, 2020 · Safi's Shatteraxe is a Master Rank Switch Axe Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. True Fatalis End Information. Unlike longsword, it has a counter which counts as a defensive countermeasure, so I'm hoping for a good dodge tricks for switch axe and good When in amped state and the monster immobilized I normally open my combo (PS button layout) with an (running + triangle) overhead slam -> (R2) switch to sword mode -> do a (triangle) quick double slash -> (R2) morph attack -> (R2) morph into sword mode back and (triangle + circle) finishing discharge. So my questions are: -Is Switch Axe good Elemental and/or status wise? -Which weapons surpass Switch Axe in element? -Is Elemental Switch Axe convenient? -Is raw phial Switch Axe with element more convenient to use compared to Ele phial Switch Axe? Jan 25, 2021 · Switch Axe #3: Thunder Axe. Of course weakness ex, agitator, and crit boost are always good. Reply Replies (0) 1 +1. I really wouldn't recommend any element awakenings on Safi weapons. 39 votes, 36 comments. Image via Capcom. I just created this with the jewels that I have, and I think is holy beautiful. Sword mode and axe mode. Axes with exhaust or paralyze phial gain gauge the fastest and your sword will glow in a single Heavenward Flurry combo (Y>Y>Y); allow you to do Heavenward Flurry -> ZSD. In a sense, it doesn’t really have too many redeeming features. The Switch Axe's Phial attacks (including Phial discharges) can crit and have amplified damage on tenderized parts. The red glow from the Stygi parts complements the blue blade in a lovely way. IE Rapid Morph 2, 2-1-0. Nov 17, 2024 · This is a guide to the best builds and equipment for Switch Axes in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. EE was great for the bigger hops and to roll further while in sword mode. Switch Axe Weapon Tree in MHW Dec 27, 2022 · This article is the best build for the Switch Axe in Monster Hunter World (Base Game). Anything with 4-5 points is going to be VERY good, and the best you'll realistically be able to achieve unless you get very lucky. Im currently MR 51 and defeated everything till Alatreon, but im still struggeling solo a bit with my defense, resistences and all. I’m new to switch axe mainly a bow/hammer main but im curious is this a good build to follow ? I just started my blast safi switch axe today too, aiming for 2 attack 2 sharpness and Teostra for the awakening Jan 5, 2024 · Complete Switch Axe Build Guide Understanding Switch Axe’s Phials. Switch axe is super evasive weapon. As with what i can see, IB introduces the axe playstyle with the powered axe mode. The regular zinogre parts with that base also look really nice. Your damage will never be as high per hit as it will be with something else, but definitely fun Barroth grinder or the Kulve switch ax are your two options. Posted by u/SourpussSaint - 2 votes and 4 comments Jan 18, 2024 · Bazel Raider is a Switch Axe Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Good idea? Other than Artillery, what other skills might be useful for this approach? Apr 6, 2024 · Golden Crescent is a Master Rank Switch Axe Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Jan 8, 2021 · Fitting that the Eater of Elder's Switch Axe is top dog once again, arguably one of the best Switch Axes in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. I use something similar with nami gamma chest and waist with kjarr water axe and teostra 3pc for master touch. I have an idea for a Switch Axe build that uses the Jagras tree sleep phials to sleep the monster, and then the Artillery skill to boost both barrel bomb damage as well as the Switch Axe’s burst damage. Power axe mode was added and the part break/trip modifiers gave axe a purpose even if it didnt have the raw damage of sword mode. The best group I've been in was a full Switch Axe crew and we got a 13 minute kill. Defender Weapon if your are lazy. All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Ive heard that ice is the best element against alatreon, but i know that its very high risk high reward. Most of the best switch axes can run something like AB5~7 + Critical Boost 2 with just a WEX1 charm. Open comment sort options. Keep in mind that the best slot roll for a tier skills is 3-1-1 or 4-0-0. My preffered swag axe is blast, but if you plan for alatreon it might be a worthy investment to get actual element (fire and ice) axes; elsewise, completely up to you as statistically they are all the same baseline. 4 handicraft for white sharpness. The Switch Axe can also DESTROY his face. I really struggled using it solo in rise until I eventually gave up and defaulted to my comfort glaive. From the top of my head i think I have Tigrex chest, acid gloves, glav shoes, cant recall what helm and pants i have. The Safi'jiiva, Kjarr, Alatreon and Fatalis weapons dominate each category with its potential in their respective element brackets. Been using the Luna base with Stygian parts here lately. So I just need some tips and tricks to play switch axe as efficiently as possible. Only one tool for the job. Personally I made a set that includes Handicraft 2 and Razor Sharp 2 to get more out of the Conqueress's blue sharpness, and I only went for Evade Extender 2 because with that I already feel like I'm constantly rolling/hopping past where I want to go. Lots of people will say diablos, as in terms of raw damage it’s the best out there. That means no hunting for Elder Dragons or limited-time event monsters in order to get haha i considered the same exact thing but ultimately decided it was a good excuse to jump into some other weapons i haven't tried much yet in mhw. hqbx tce fbby dez tfqleehc wbrod ndqk nqmdsrh azlvi mastk ztobtm kqsutj ylv tyysv nopvv