Dc power supply lab report conclusion. txt) or read online for free.
Dc power supply lab report conclusion Apply 30V to the armature and measure the no-load speed. II. Question: What is Variable DC supply? Answer: A variable DC (direct current) supply provides variable output voltages. eTM-6050C, 2-Kob High Power Switching DC Bench Power Supply Variable 60V 50A with Encoder Knob, RS232/485/USB (Optional) Interface, Multiple Protections Most electronics are run from a DC power supply. 7. Nov 25, 2013 · Equipment External Multi-meter (for current measurements) Regulated Power Supply 2N3904 Resistors Introduction The objective of this lab is to analyze the characteristics of Transistor. k. 24-1. 00 V. 1 INTRODUCTION A power supply is a device that supplies electrical energy to one or more electric loads. ” For this experiment, use the white DC power supply to provide fixed voltagesV S = ±15V plus ground (a. DC Power Supply I. UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA LAB REPORT PHY 150 SEMESTER OCT 2020 - FEB 2021 EXPERIMENT 3 INTRODUCTION: It is a simple variable dc power supply which gives 5 to 12 dc volts as an output. If a circuit has no power a circuit would not be able to perform its desired function. Subject Electrical Engineering Cedric Aaron Delos Angeles - Conclusion 4. The document summarizes an experiment to measure the parameters of a DC motor. Resistor 10k 8. Do not publish elsewhere. Ammeter 4. In this case, fast but often small variations called ripples originate from the AC input leaking through the AC to DC converter. It is portable as well as we can use without connecting main power line. 2. 5 out of 5 stars Read about DC Lab - Capacitor Charging and Discharging (DC Circuit Projects ) 6 V battery or power supply; Two large electrolytic capacitors, 1000 µF minimum; DC Power Supply: DC current is defined as a directional current. DC means constant with respect to time. Normally we use battery and other electric cell as DC voltage source. In second part of the lab investigation, make sure to use the same value of voltage, which is 9 volts. Mar 14, 2016 · 2. Field Current: 0. 5A. 2kO 7. August 2019; August 2019; Authors: Jangfa Timothy Zhimwang. If operational amplifiers drives an inductive load or a transmission line, ensure that outputs isolated. Please check 'Summary_template. 8. Roshan 7 of 7 Fall 2015 1. Conclusion In conclusion, in this lab, I was tasked with being able to analyze and observe the effects of capacitors and inductors. Required Number of connection wires. DC Power Supply Variable 30V 10A, Adjustable Switching Regulated DC Bench Power Supply with Output Switch High Precision 4-Digit LED Display, Benchtop Lab Power Supplies with 5V/2A USB Port 4. A multimeter tuned to voltmeter setting was connected in parallel with the resistor in order to determine the value of voltage. ! " #$%&'()'($ * Direction of Positive Current!!! Figure 10. DC power supplies are used with electronic devices that require DC power and are used in the Industrial, Medical, and Telecom markets. To investigate the relationship between current and voltage in Ohmic materials Investigate the characteristics of resistors in series and parallel connections Use DDM (digital multimeter) to measure resistance, dc voltage and Design 5V DC Power Supply (Easy Step By Step Guide 2022) ECE 202 - Experiment 3 - Lab Report Voltage Source Select the 6V mode on the DC power supply, and set the voltage to 5V. 63 A . With a DC power supply, the sum of the voltages across the inductor V L, the resistor, V R, and the capacitor, V C in Figure 10. 1. We learned that current and voltage hold a direct relationship for resistive components. Galvanometer 7. experiment rc circuit march 10, 2016 purpose the purpose of the experiment is to demonstrate the Skip to document University EQUIPMENT Following equipment was used in the experiment: 741 Operational Amplifier Breadboard Alligator clips 1. These are the three color-coded terminals on the right side of the power supply chassis. Objective: A voltage regulator is an electronic circuit Jan 24, 2025 · It will help you learn electronics as well as give you the best lab power supply. My group and I were successful in doing so by using an AC/DC power supply. LIST OF APPARATUS Equipment 1. 4 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 1. Equipment 1. We measured the current and voltage of the entire circuit as well as the potential drops across each resistor to determine the parameters of the circuit including the resistance, voltage Introduction to Multimeters & D. Before using DC power supplies: Oct 29, 2020 · ECE 005 Zener Diode and DC Power Supply Lab Report. Probe for same 3. When designing a DC power supply, the aim is to get an output voltage with good stability. The Diode Characteristic Name: Mahfuz Alam D452 laboratory. It contains an introduction describing the need for regulated power supplies in electronics. Unformatted text preview: Experiment 4 – A Basic Power Supply Lab Report by: Chidi Okonkwo ECE 3765-201 02/28/2018Introduction In this experiment, we will add a basic filter and a voltage regulator to a bridge rectifier to form a simple linear power supply. 1 DEV 2769 Trainer board Conclusion: Jun 2, 2021 · View LAB_REPORT_3_-_DC_CIRCUIT. Brake 8. Procedure eTM-6050C, 2-Kob High Power Switching DC Bench Power Supply Variable 60V 50A with Encoder Knob, RS232/485/USB (Optional) Interface, Multiple Protections Jul 1, 2012 · In this work, a simple, cost effective and reliable power supply that produces AC outputs of 5V, 10V, 15V, 20V and 25V, variable DC outputs of 0-20V, regulated DC output of 5V and regulated dual Sep 5, 2018 · View Lab - lab report 3 (finished) - Copy. 7kΩ E D Figure 1: Series Circuit PMB 16102 Electrical and Electronics Fundamentals LAB EXPERIMENT 1: Series Circuit 2. The DMMs measure the source current, I S, the gate current, I G, and the voltages, V DS and V GS. 1 The initial task was to measure the forward and reverse resistance of silicon and germanium diodes. DC power supply Digital multi-meter Connecting cables 4. Plug in the power supply, and set the voltage to 1. pdf), Text File (. RESULTS Index Power Source Voltage Input Voltage Output Phase Difference 1 14 Vp 2. 0 V; disconnect the voltmeter from the Names: JOHN MOKOENA Student ID No: 19001198 Group: Group J Program: BEng Chemical Engineering Department: Faculty of Engineering Course Code: EEEN 211 Level: 200 Submission Date: 23/11/2020 LAB REPORT: EXPERIMENT 6 NODAL ANALYSIS DECLARATION I hereby declare that the lab report titled EXPERIMENT 6: NODAL ANALYSIS submitted by me, John Mokoena to BIUST Faculty of Engineering is a record of Apparatus 1. However, most of the available power is generated and transmitted in form of AC. A DC circuit is necessary for DC electricity to exist. Trainer has on board DC power supply of +5v, +12V, -5V, -12V, bread board, function generator, resistors etc. 1. R W с А 15kΩ 2. The “+” in the diagram below indicates the higher voltage which will be “+5 V” on the power supply and the “-“ indicates the lower voltage which will be “COM” on the power supply. Procedure The shape of the curve exclaims that the power increases drastically (at a fast rate), until reaching the maximum power (R 1 or RTh) and then slowly decreases as the resistance increases. Virtually every piece of electronic equipment is powered from a low voltage DC supply. 08 A . Also to determine the load regulation and efficiency of the regulated power supply. The theory section explains the S DC voltage source, called a “dual power supply. Thus, the circuit has produced an output voltage that has a non-zero DC component from the sinusoidal transformer secondary voltage that has a zero DC component. Leave the voltage at 4. When we are discussing a simple DC circuit consisting of a wire, a power source, and a single resistor, it is relatively easy to predict the flow Inspection of Eq. docx from EE 322 at The City College of New York, CUNY. The presentation should be an overview of the report. Measure the current and voltage. 📊🔬 License Feb 8, 2022 · Experiment 6: DC Power Supplies REDO EE 2231 section 1 4/22/2021 Introduction The objective of this lab is to apply the ideas developed in Experiment 5 to the construction of practical unregulated power supplies. This project involves the construction, testing and analysis of an Adjustable DC Power Supply. Remember to use the components carefully as they will be collected at the end of the lab. Equipment Resistor Box DC power supply Voltmeter Ammeter Theory A current is directly proportional to voltage. For your lab report on Part A, perform the following tasks. Design and create a SPICE model of a bridge-type, full-wave rectified, dc power supply using a filter capacitor. Schwappach and C. Electrical Engineering; MX 322 A062V276 (Issue 2) Lab # 10; Lab # 009 - Best lab report; Lab # 008 - Best lab report; Lab # 003 - Best lab report this is a lab report diploma in science phy150: electricity magnetism laboratory report no experiment title dc circuit group as1203h group members name student The circuits were composed of a power supply, two DMMs, a circuit board, an SPST switch, and an assortment of known resistors along with one unknown resistor. Potential differences for RLC circuit With a DC power supply, the sum of the voltages across the inductor V L, the resistor, V R Related documents. They ensure a continuous power source for testing and development. 3 Diode Models 3 Ideal Model 3 Offset Model 3 Model 3 Materials 4 Procedure 4 Measurements Of The Resistors Diode Reverse and Forward Resistance Values 4 4 Diode Forward Biased Circuit 5 Diode Reversed Biased Circuit 6 Questions 7 Recall that this power is calculated as the voltage squared divided by the resistance. Resistor 4. When a resistance is at stable, is consider to be following the Law. Conducting templates 4. The purpose of the experiment is to learn how to set up basic circuits with resistors in series and in parallel and to measure current and voltage in order to very Ohm’s Law. Covers electrical engineering concepts for college students. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. Shaft and 2 days ago · Electrical-engineering document from San Francisco State University, 11 pages, EE 97 Spring 2024 Thursday 1:30-4:15 PM Lab 2: DC Power Supply and Current Measurements Jae G. The introduction provides background on the project, objectives to design a 5V DC power supply circuit and develop skills. 5A), with a total maximum power of 35W. The results were used to calculate motor parameters and compare the inductance to a value from a teaching assistant. (8. This means you can use it for the current range of 0 – 250mA. May 9, 2011 · Bookmark "_Toc293566626" was not found in this document. Using your EMS Power Supply, DC Motor/ Generator, DC Metering and Electrodynamometer Modules, connect the circuit shown in Fig. Oct 11, 2023 · Usage: Battery eliminators are specialized DC power supplies used to power devices that typically run on batteries. Bread Board - 1 10. DC circuits may be in series, parallel, or a combination. Apparatus used: Variable AC source, Transformer, four diode, two capacitor, one inductor, one resistance, one transistor, dc voltmeter, mili-ammeter, variable resistor. This report summarizes the laboratory verification of Thévenin's theorem as applied to the operation of the power supply used to power breadboard circuits in the Physics 252 laboratory course. This document describes a lab experiment on controlling the speed of separately excited and shunt DC motors. Equipment and components LM-741 op-amp 10V DC power supply Resistors (1kΩ,100kΩ,,15kΩ,7. Draw equipotential of each capacitor 2. The purpose of the experiment is to design a +5 V DC regulated power supply delivering up to 1A of current to the load. It can be your 5V DC power supply in general with up to 250mA current capability. the power supply converts the (220-230) V AC into(12 V – 3A) DC output . 6V at a current of 3. THEORY Ohm’s Law states that the potential difference (V) is directly proportional to the current across the resistor. Variable Regulated Power Supply Description: the project aims to construct an adjustable regulated power supply that can provide DC voltage ranging from 1. Engage the prony brake and record the speed and input AC current for 4 different torque loads. out of it. All operational amplifiers require an external power supply to operate. How To Use A DC Power Supply. Record the current (A) and the voltage (V) as you increase the voltage in 1. Each student provided an individual analysis of the results and conclusions. This is a one week lab (1 hour only), done Face-to-Face in the lab. Efficiency up to 94 % Series, Parallel mode Constant current, voltage, resistance and power operation UI, UIP, UIR Mode, Simulation of PV-Arrays Script Control: process programming and booting from memory card Digital interfaces GPIB(IEEE488), RS485, USB and LAN (optional) Standard integrated ATI 5/10 galvanically isolated analogue interface 0 – 5 V or 0 – 10 The one we are going to use for this lab is an Agilent E3630A Triple Output DC Power Supply, as shown in Figure 1 – 2. Theoretical maximum Lab-Power are the leading British manufacture of DC power supplies. PURPOSE. It is presented by 5 students and contains sections on introduction, how it works, equipment used, circuit diagram, and conclusion. Experiment 2 Prof. Resistor 1. Resistor 8. CTU: EE 375 – Electronics 1: Lab 1: Regulated DC Power Supply 1 Colorado Technical University EE 375 – Electronics 1 Lab 1: Regulated DC Power Supply February 2010 L. 3 KW . Lab DC POWER SUPPLY ENS 249: Basic Measurements Lab 2 Page Table of Contents: 3 3 3 6 3 4 6 Part 4 Figure 1: Pin diagram (top view) of the L78S05 5V voltage regulator chip. Use the left power supply for +16 V, and the right for -16 V. Divided into rectifier, filter, and regulator stages. DC/DC power supplies, known as DC/DC converters, are power supplies that convert a DC voltage of a certain magnitude to one of a different magnitude to supply a device. Diagram of a resistor, inductor, and capacitor connected in series. Fresh ABSTRACT: This lab report was completed as a course requirement to obtain full course credit in EE375, Electronics 1 at Colorado Technical University. 4. It includes a block diagram and descriptions of the main components - a step-down transformer, bridge rectifier, smoothing capacitor and adjustable voltage regulator. These manufacturers are US-based, so you can’t argue with the quality. It is at this point that rectification is necessary. Power Supply Notes: 1. Applications: Used in portable radios, toys, and other battery-operated devices. An integrated circuit regulator makes it easy to construct a high-performance voltage source using only four parts: a transformer, full-wave bridge rectifier, capacitor filter, and regulator. A The DC power supply is used to generate either a constant voltage (CV) or a constant current (CC). 2 Ω and 18. 5. 09 Vpp 12. One multimeter should be set up as an ammeter and the other as a voltmeter. Jul 30, 2014 · 2) List of Equipment: NYIT supplied Lab Kit Function Generator Oscilloscope Digital Multi-Meter (DMM) 1-DC Power Supply 1-Center Tapped Transformer 1-10 Ω Resistor 51 Ω Resistor 1-100Ω Resistor 1-1k Ω Resistor 1-2. Reverse DC power supply polarity for the Reverse biased condition and then measure the Voltage and Current across the diode. This document is a project report on designing a regulated power supply. Feb 17, 2020 · PDF | On Feb 17, 2020, Naman Saini published VARIABLE DC POWER SUPPLY A CIRCUIT DESIGN REPORT | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Experiment 3: DC Electric Currents I February 25, 2016 I. Most of the power supplies are in the from of laptop chargers, cell phone adaptors, computer supplies and lab AC-DC supplies. Key parameters measured include the armature resistance, voltage constant, and inductance. They constructed the power supply according to a provided diagram. 5kΩ,3. Electronic voltage regulators are found in many power supply devices/adapters such as computer power supplies where they Programmable DC power supply. 1 Object : To Study the characteristics of regulated DC Power supply. 3) shows that vo consists of a DC component equal to Vo/π. It offers three output ratings: 0 to +20V (0 to 0. (They are linearly proportional). Thévenin's theorem states that any linear power supply can be represented as an ideal voltage source in series with a single resistor, regardless of the EMT 1255L The Common-Emitter Amplifier Jose Ynfante & Mariane Gil-Perez 10/25/ Lab report #7 exp 8 Section-D Objective: The objective of this laboratory experiment is to build a common emitter amplifier circuit and measure the dc and ac parameters, ac resistance, the ac input resistance, and the voltage gain, and see the differences between thee input and output signals. Kartik Goyal Asst. It outlines procedures to vary the speed of each motor type by changing (1) armature voltage and (2) field current. Two equivalent circuits which illustrate the meaning of an rms voltage. Armuture rated Voltage: 220 V . Raymond Yap Date : Table of Contents Objective 2 Theory 2 PN Junction 2 Diodes 3 vs. Power supplies: Most electrical power from a wall outlet comes in alternating current form AC to DC conversion Alternating current must be converted to direct current (DC) by a rectifier. Upon testing the output with a multimeter, they measured a voltage of 12V, accomplishing the objective. Mapping apparatus 2. Voltmeter 3. Paper. 09 Vpp 11. 0 CONCLUSION . Please do not specify the above power supply we designed it to just be a 250mA supply. 1 Regulated DC Power Supply Yufeng Li, EE Student, CCNY, Adil Arshad, EE Student, CCNY, Group 8 Abstract— The goal of Also let a battery (a DC source) with voltage Vrms power a resistor of the same resistance, R. Content type User Generated. Connection Diagram: Figure1 load charactristic of Dc shunt generator. Recall that DC is an acronym for direct current. v. The 60Hz AC power from a wall outlet is - often converted to DC, such as 6 V or 9 V DC, using a rectifier built from diodes. Ans: The output of the AND Gate will be low no matter what the other 2 input levels might be. Reinier DC Power Supply tuned to 10V was made to supply into the breadboard and the breadboard was made continuous by connecting the wire from power supply to the connection area. The aim is to provide a smooth and regulated DC output voltage A power supply converting AC to DC may, on the other hand, have a good long term stability but rather poor short term stability. Body Lesson 1 Used equipment and electronic devices: Module MCM3/EV, Power supply PSLC or PS1-PSU/EV, jumpers, Fluke 115 True RMS Multimeter, built-in silicon and germanium diodes, built-in resistors, oscilloscope Task 1. Large selection of models: 0-15V to 0-1500V, 0-2A to 0-6000A, 3kW-250kW, 450 models. Therefore, we can say in conclusion that each of the three logic gates had different output voltage outcomes depending on if the switch was connected to the power or the ground. 1x DC power supplies range of (0-250V). The best option is galvanic isolation, which ensures that all the three power supply, input and outputs are isolated from each The objective of this lab was to experimentally verify the maximum power transfer theorem by measuring power transfer under different load conditions and identifying the load impedance that results in maximum power transfer. 2 –30 V. Method/Procedure: 1. Basic Questions for Ohm’s Law Lab Report. The project will include the following: Apr 6, 2015 · This presentation introduces a DC power supply circuit. RECOMMENDATIONS and CONCLUSIONS. } Figure 24:final output 23 Project goals: To construct a regulated DC power supply 12 V / 3A source . Speed increased with armature voltage and decreased with field current. Control unit 6. That is, it may be used as either a DC voltage source or a DC current source. Apparatus: 3-4 Wires DC Power Supply DC Motor rig Laser / Speed sensor. Voltage supply (2 units) 2. The document describes a student power supply project that aims to build a simple power supply circuit and test if it works. EE-201 Lab Report, ME Department, Wah Engineering College Fig 7. 1 Experiment 1: Voltage and Current Measurement and Ohm’s Law When voltage and resistance are known, current may be predicted using Ohm’s law. Connect the negative floating terminal on the left power supply to Feb 20, 2018 · Conclusion from Ohm’s Law lab Report. But the bad news is you have to spend a lot. Simulated in LTSpice, implemented on SK-10 breadboard, and measured using Agilent oscilloscope. Only a summary must be submitted. Establishment of regulated DC power supply being used in the labs . Power:0. Most of the electronic devices function with DC power. C. The role of a filter is to reduce the variations in the rectifier output voltage. 5A) and 0 to 6V (0 to 2. Direct currents (DC) power many of the household devices that are used on a daily basis, such as electronics, power supplies and electric vehicles. Construct a circuit as shown in Figure 1. 5kO 6. These lab power supplies are very good for testing a circuit in the lab but not This document is a report for a project to design, simulate, and implement a 5V DC power supply with a filter. 🔌⚡️ "Dual Rail Supply Lab": Designed and prototyped a ±10V, 25mA dual rail supply with voltage regulation (<5%) and ripple voltage (<0. Calculate the theoretical values in Table 1 for 6Vrms of AC supply. Each individual will complete a power supply and present a report to the lab section of the class. Sorci. Resistor 2. here we use a simple full wave rectifier along with a voltage regulator which give a constant output and its output can be increased by using a pair of voltage divider resistor in which one resistance is variable to get variable output. 0 Ω resistors Oscilloscope Function generator AC power supply 4 III. LAB-REPORT ON DC POWER SUPPLY. Name plate details. The direction of the flow of DCs is unidirectional as opposed to alternating currents (AC) that are used to transmit energy across power grids, where the direction of the flow flips back and forth Jan 14, 2019 · DC current is easier for smaller devices to utilize and is the most common method of power supply for anything that runs on battery power as well. Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering submitted as a partial fulfillment of award of degree of Bachelor of Technology in the year 2018 SHRI RAM MURTI SMARAK COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ,UNNAO 34 Km on A typical DC power supply consists of 3 stages, which are a rectifier, a filter, and a voltage regulator. g. This is consistent with the convention for batteries and DC power supplies. LAB 5: DC Motors ENSC387;Yaser M. Select the power supply to AC input supply, and set to 6VAC. The block diagrams for such “adaptors” are shown Figure 5. You will be using it primarily as a voltage source. 2k Ω Resistor 1-10k Ω Resistor 1-7805 Voltage Regulator 1N4001 Diode 1-100 µF Capacitor 1-220 µF Capacitor 3) Results: Our Apr 14, 2015 · 4. It provides background on what a power supply is and its main functions of converting one form of electrical energy to another. The Voltage Across the diode the diode is same as the given by the DC power Supply, but the Current is zero due to wide depletion region. The good news is as the power supply is the basic need of any lab there are great manufacturers out there from day one. DC Power Supply, low voltage 6. The experiment takes a step-by-step approach in order to convert the AC to DC. It includes an abstract, acknowledgements, introduction, theory, simulation results, bill of materials, and conclusion sections. Aug 17, 2019 · DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A DUAL REGULATED ±0-35VOLTS DC POWER SUPPLY USING LM317 AND LM337 VOLTAGE REGULATOR. Experiment : Power Supply Note: Copy righted material. From Kirchho ’s current rule, the drain Jan 25, 2025 · Buying a professional DC lab power supply. 48 ° A voltage regulator is an electronic circuit that provides a stable DC voltage independent of the load current, temperature and AC line voltage variations. 7KO 9. The term is most commonly applied to devices that convert one form of electrical energy to another, though it may also refer to devices that convert another form of energy (e. Experimental Setup: Power supply: A variable DC power supply capable of providing a constant voltage. The 5-volt regulated power supply supplies regulated 5volts electric energy to an electric load. Am ps Volts R +-5 V 3. This will not be shown on subsequent diagrams, but is always assumed. 0 The experiments 4. A goal of this experiment is to design and Jan 24, 2025 · It will help you learn electronics as well as give you the best lab power supply. Include all results (neatly typed) in your report. To record the characteristic of speed and torque for a separately excited DC motor and represent it graphically in order to describe the characteristic of speed and torque. In conclusion, Part 1 was focused on proving Thevenin’s Theorem and understanding the main ideas behind the theorem. Dec 25, 2020 · The power supply is a common used electronic device in the world. The experiment aimed to observe the waveforms of half-wave and full-wave rectified alternating current, with and without filtering, and to calculate voltage values. pdf from PHYSICS AS120 at Universiti Teknologi Mara. 4 Figure 2: Internal diagram on the 3N253 Chip with inputs: and outputs 4 Figure 3: Schematic of a DC Zener regulated power supply circuit with 4 Part 5 Figure 4: Voltage divider circuit 5 Figure 5: Output DC reduction Lab report on variable DC power supply design, components, and testing. This source will be either a battery, a combination of battery and DC/DC converter or a power supply converting AC mains into one or more low voltage DC supplies, suitable for electronic components. In case of DC current the electrons or the current flow in one direction. Experiment #3: Regulated DC Power Supply 1. 85 ° 2 12 Vp 2. A variable DC power supply, seen in every electronics lab, on the market today costs around $300. ii ABSTRACT This report discusses the basic information to be known and explored throughout the course varying from power supplies( Resistors, voltages, and currents), the Digital Multi-Meter(DMM), etc…Which will allow us to understand and maintain the ability to deal with certain circuits by defining the components and measuring values using tools found in the Circuits 1 Lab toolkit. These guys publish specifications for PS's that include timing Apr 3, 2009 · DC is the basis for most circuit designs that goes into everyday products. Matching plastic templates 5. 2uF) Tektronix oscilloscope Background Information A comparator is an op-amp circuit that compares two input voltages to output a HIGH (5V) or a LOW (0V) depending on which voltage is higher. Jul 9, 2021 · Title of experiment: Resistors in series and parallel connections (2) Lab date: July 9, 2021 Name: Johana Conde Lab section: 002 Lab Instructor: Ananya Adhikari Purpose. 8kΩ) Capacitor (0. Thévenin's theorem states that any linear power supply can be represented as an ideal voltage source in series with a single resistor, regardless of the on the board and the power supply. AC power Mar 22, 2021 · This project involves the construction, testing and analysis of an Adjustable DC Power Supply. I am not saying other manufacturers are bad or something. A goal of this experiment is to design and This report summarizes the laboratory verification of Thévenin's theorem as applied to the operation of the power supply used to power breadboard circuits in the Physics 252 laboratory course. DO NOT APPLY POWER AT THIS TIME! Notice that the motor is wired for shunt field operation and is connected to the variable dc output of the power supply (terminals 7 and N). This action of generating a direct voltage from an alternating supply voltage by a diode is called The students were asked to build a power supply with an output voltage of 12V. a) Calculate the theoretical values of the voltage V 0 and power at the potentiometer. Conclusion. Introduction The process of changing AC to DC is investigated in this experiment. Apply 40V to the field using the lab DC power supply. This 3 Techniques To Prevent The Operational Amplifiers From Burning During The Lab Experiment: Isolate outputs. AVO Meter or . Jul 6, 2013 · 4. Theory A DC power supply is one that supplies a constant DC voltage to its load. 5%). Thus, this AC power must be converted to DC so as to have these components functioning properly. The conclusions This paper is a practical report of the construction of a 5-volt power supply circuit. 2k 2 E 15V 10k12 RE 4. Conclusion: This experiment explores a variety of DC power supply circuits and how an AC voltage source, such that of a typical wall outlet, can be converted to a DC power supply. ” this lab, we focus Sep 25, 2019 · 1. My detailed lab reports from Physics 2 Lab with Dr. 1 Vpp 176. Switch ON the AC/DC power supply. DC operating point can be established using one DC voltage supply and additional resistors. Leave the dual supply connected to the circuit for all steps in the procedure Oct 26, 2019 · View Lab - Lab Report #3. Method: 1. 5 wires 9. I like the Rigol power supply lab (DP823) as it is a high-quality 195-watt triple-output power supply used in various advanced lab and industrial applications. Jan 12, 2012 · 1. Apr 11, 2022 · Conclusion. A power supply using this combination is shown in Fig. ) (a)Make sure you ground the negative terminal of the V 1 supply and the positive terminal of the V 0 supply. Results detailed in report. DC Power supply Experiment Procedure: Series Circuit 1. 0 V. A direct current (DC) electrical circuit consists of a source of DC electricity with a conducting wire going from one of the source terminals to a set of electrical devices and then back to the other terminal, in a complete circuit. 5A), 0 to -20V (0 to 0. A transistor is a three- terminal device which allows a small current to control a much larger current, thus achieving a “current gain. , mechanical, chemical, solar) to electrical energy. Tests were conducted at various voltage and current levels while also measuring speed. Same equipment such as DC power supply, DC motor and laser being used. The regulated power supply takes in AC power from the mains supply and delivers a DC voltage to the requiring device. The power dissipated in the resistor is the same in the two circuits. Choi Partner: Manav Sharma Submission date: 2/21/2024 Lab 2: DC Power Supply and Current Measurements Learning Objectives: After this lab, students learned: - Dec 1, 2019 · PDF | On Dec 1, 2019, Usman Mohammed and others published Design and Implementation of Regulated DC Variable Power Supply Using Solar PV with Storage (0-15V, 5A) | Find, read and cite all the This makes the device more reliable as compare to other DC power supplies. It then details the objectives, materials, and process of building the circuit, which includes using a step down transformer, full wave bridge Lab Report: DC Circuits Ulugbek Ganiev, Mohammed Uddin, Mohammad Javid Introduction The objective of this laboratory experiment was to study Rules and to be able to apply them to complex DC circuits. 1 would equal the output of the power Jul 12, 2007 · langenbacher - Thursday, July 12, 2007 - link The way in which a power supply acts at power-up and power-down can be very important. DC Power Supply The DC power supply is used to generate either a constant voltage (CV) or a constant current (CC). Armuture rated Current: 0. A Project Report On MOBILE CHARGER & POWER CHARGER submitted by SAMARJEET (1774531003) SUDHEER (1774531005) Under the guidance of Mr. Masking tape 10. Repeat (2) for field voltages of 20, 30, 50 and 60V. common). Rated Speed : 2000 rpm (min -1 ) Field Voltage: 220 V . 9kΩ,1. It doesn't change its direction like AC current. Figure 1. the electric circuit consists of an AC Transformer followed by a rectifier bridge then smoothing capacitor and an adjustable voltage regulator integrated circuit. The 741 requires two power supplies, one positive and one negative. 3. The document explains that AC power is generated and distributed but most electronics require DC. PRELAB 1. Vin Vout + - + - Rreg Vs RL + - AC source Rectifier Filter Regulator Load DC Power Supply Fig. Basic power supply consisting of a rectifier, filter, and regulator. docx' for a template of the summary. 0 CONCLUSION The components were first tested for viability and the sub-circuits were tested on bread board before soldering them on the printed circuit board. 3 Vpp 179. The developed dual DC supply produced values ranging from about ± 0V to 34. Your TA might (not always) provide feedback which you should incorporate into your later lab reports and/or lab Title Lab Number and Title: Lab 215: Ohm’s Law – Current, Voltage, and Resistance Measurements Name: Abhinit Sundar Date of Experiment: 10/25/ Course & Section Number: Physics II Lab – PHYS 121A – 003 Partners’ Names: Kriss Sitapara, Nifesimi Akintola, Jhaylor Cudia Group ID: Date of Report Submission: 10/29/ Instructor’s Name: Matias Daniel de Almeida Always be sure the power supply is turned off be-fore you plug it into an outlet. 0 V increments up to 4. a. Observations recorded the relationship between speed, voltage, and current. It is a programmable power supply edition. The oscilloscope An oscilloscope is used to provide a visual display of a time dependent Law Experiment Objectives To verify Law and experimentally, verify the relationship between current, voltage and resistance in a circuit. Most electronics are run from a DC power supply. Separately excited DC motor 5. Setup an oscilloscope, both Chl and Ch2 are used to display both waveform (AC input and DC output). Display panel 7. txt) or read online for free. eymc tbfozjfn veavq lwex oliyys vemxwe pmzp xcnhljdql faxm hsg ekk kgjdqj uygs knvu ksyuglgy