Ctf writeups github 2020 wav | sox -t raw -esigned-integer -b 16 -r 48000 - -esigned-integer -b 16 -r 22050 -t raw - | multimon-ng -t raw -a AFSK1200 -f alpha - multimon-ng 1. This function simply copies 4KB of code from address 0xBFC10000 (ROM) into 0x80000000 which is where RAM starts. Contribute to L3cr0f/flare-on_2020 development by creating an account on GitHub. I could've inverted the computation and add 0-3 to the resulting byte too. Another Python script can be implemented to reverse the original script. SANDBOX WriteOnly (140 points - 87 solves): CTF {why_read_when_you_can_write} Links to writeups of the 2020 CTF@Hacktivitycon. My friend made this cool remix, and it's pretty good, but everyone says there's a deeper meaning in the music. Contribute to how2hack/CTF-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. Looking at the decompiled version, program reads a flag and fills the empty cells of a 9x9 table. Writeups for CTF Challenges. It is sufficient to run the executable to get the flag. If we use strings on the file, we find the flag in it. TencentCTF. When viewing the website in the browser - we get a simple "notes" application, where you can: Fill the textbox and hit the "Create" button, which creates a new note. Bunch of CTF writeups. Luckily, some techniques to bypass this kind of checks exist and I've used them before. com/ Team: pyjam. Beginner's Crypto, Modulus Amittendus; Contribute to pr0cf5/CTF-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. bmp and xor-gate-symbol. Contribute to sponege/CTF-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. Leverage a format string exploit to leak libc and change __stack_chk_fail to main for multiple passes triggered by canary corruption (bof), after A Few Writeups and solutions/exploits I feel good enough to share with the world. SunshineCTF-2020-Public SunshineCTF-2020 Public release of challenge source/writeups/solve scripts Github Action to verify that a CTF challenge meets CTF writeups. Capture the flag writeups. To be honest, I can't really tell - the second drop's 808s are just too epic. flag: rtcp{j^cks0n_3ats_r1c3 Contribute to bootplug/writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. Writeups for CTF challenges I've completed. Contribute to Alemmi/ctf-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. CSAW CTF Quals 2020. Place: 108 (of 661) Flags Jun 14, 2024 · TokyoWesterns CTF 2020 | writeups by @terjanq. reference development by creating an account on GitHub. (#2) KalmarCTF 2023. Reload to refresh your session. Contribute to T1m3M/ctf-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. URL: https://tamuctf. Then it invokes the function located at 0x80000500. writeup. org. 1 to host Đây là kho tư liệu cá nhân, lưu trữ lời giải của mình cho một số thử thách chủ yếu thuộc mảng Mật mã học trong các cuộc thi CTF. Contribute to allesctf/writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. It checks if they contain AFFCTF and that they are different. 6. Those sharks knew I was listening and they hid a message in this image. Cây thư mục Đường dẫn tới lời giải của một số thử thách trong một cuộc thi có dạng: tên cuộc thi -> năm tổ chức cuộc thi . Writeups and Script solve in Reversing challenge. py solving script) Este challenge fue resuelto primero por los chicos de SexyAllPacks y fernetInjection en tiempo. zer0pts CTF 2020 (pwn, 590p, 17 solved) STeam's CTF writeups. In eval values we can not use symbols (){}[], some words :__class__ and etc. (2 of 466). Cyberlandsholdet 2020. We are given a zip file which contains a text file and a python script. It then checks the md5 hash, which have to be equal. 2020. io/ Team: Kalmarunionen. , local_48 is 0x48 bytes offset from the end of the stack frame (also where the return address is). Contribute to david942j/ctf-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. Contribute to zst-ctf/utctf-2020-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. Instead of looking at it for long I just used dynamic analysis to let the binary do it's thing. E. Contribute to S3v3ru5/CTF-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. ( whereami. In the archive, an hidden ELF file can be found. Prompt: Recently, John's keys began to be pressed by themselves when he runs his blog. Spy for Mad magazine. Union CTF 2021. Place: 12 (of 1214) Flags TAMUctf 2020. Contribute to lyellread/ctf-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. py import random from my_math import next_prime from flag import flag def egcd(a, b): x, y, u, v = 0, 1, 1, 0 while a != 0: q, r = b//a The given objective is to read the flag. If we go the other route, and enter a gift code it will print the gift code as a hex value, then ask us again for some input and then . Reversing the code directly from 0xBFC10000, is going to be hard as the constant addresses will be based on RAM's based address0x80000000. From the source code, it is understandable that the webpage will execute the string provided through the 'warmup' key if it passes through the preg_match and the strlen check. Sólo diré hay que prestar This task was part of the 'Web' category at the 2020 Hexion CTF (during 11-13 April 2020). The file mentions LSB openly. The best way to attack the endpoint is to The goal is to generate two files with the same MD5 hash, which means study the collisions problem in md5. Contribute to bachpc/TetCTF-2020 development by creating an account on GitHub. SunshineCTF-2020-Public SunshineCTF-2020 Public release of challenge source/writeups/solve scripts Github Action to verify that a CTF challenge meets Bunch of CTF writeups. Collection of scripts and writeups. As we can see in source code, the FLAG was kept in the flask's config variable. which meant that by interacting twice with the program, first leak the cookie, close the connection, open a new one and leak the return address for PIE, and then use the previously obtained cookie that would still be valid if all that happened in the same second to return to flag. We can see that the Flag: CTF{m4th_RanD_1s_s0_pr3d1cT4bl3} 2020/XX/XX 21:58:57 Public key: [PUB2-BASE64] If you've read through the PDF above about attacking PRNGs you have read that he describes /dev/urandom as cryptographically secure PRNG. kernel_regs are the register contents of the ptrace'd process, while ptrace_regs are the passed-in registers. 8 (C) 1996/1997 by Tom Sailer HB9JNX/AE4WA (C) 2012-2019 by Elias Oenal Available demodulators: POCSAG512 POCSAG1200 POCSAG2400 FLEX EAS UFSK1200 CLIPFSK I intercepted an image in the communication of 2 sharkies from a shark gang. This year was actually my second trial at google CTF. e. My CTF write-ups! Contribute to mdsnins/ctf-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. Contribute to CTF-STeam/ctf-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. php file. You signed out in another tab or window. io/ :D A common theme throughout this write-up will be using the Ghidra variable names as stack frame offsets. It's been quite a while since I played CTF for the last time and I had great fun! See the folder structure for the challenges you're interested in. Also we saw that the web service using render_template and render_template_string functions that work with Jinja2 template engine. crypto pyBonHash ( 71 points - 147 solves): Verifier ( 61 points - 262 solves): midnight{number_used_once_or_twice_or_more} Verifier 2 (201 points - 22 solves Jul 24, 2013 · Contribute to zst-ctf/utctf-2020-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. Contribute to TFNS/writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. But at a terrible price. The content variable is a dict. ONNXrev; CTF-writeups/TSG CTF 2020 at master · S3v3ru5/CTF-writeups. Thus, we need to convert the ASCII decimals to character. I recently received this signal Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Bunch of CTF writeups. At each jump that follows Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly 0-f: push value to the stack + : addition - : subtraction * : multiplication / : division % : modulo v : direction down < : direction left > : direction right ^ : direction up # : skip next instruction ' ': nop g : read from VM program memory p : write to VM program memory : : duplicate top of the stack \ : swap top elements of the stack ` : check if top of stack is less than second stack My friend said they hid a flag in this picture, but it's broken! Now that I think about it, I don't even know if it really is a picture The given file with a jpeg extensions appreas to actually be a text file, and we can use strings and grep to find the flag. g. CTF writeups. Contribute to ispoleet/ctf-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. Yo llegué post cierre del CTF luego de leer el writeup de _BrOoDkIlLeR_ y darme cuenta que iba perfecto salvo por dos problemas, que menciono al final de este writeup. We can see our sessionId which is randomly generated, and won't change upon reloading the page. Solution: after downloaded the image, i try to translate the morse code in the image, but Bunch of CTF writeups. URL: https://ctf. Contribute to pr0cf5/CTF-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. Solution is to use CREATE TABLE SELECT statement which populates the new table with the content from the select statement. Simple explantation: Save top this as k to prevent this is overwritten in other with block; with "FLag", move scope into String "FLag"; Call member function replace under "FLag", to make "FLAG". (Count columns of left side of the query with ORDER BY or UNION SELECT null, B01lers CTF 2020 After a long hiatus playing any CTFs, I had a lot of fun getting back into the swing of things by playing b01lers CTF, put on by Purdue University. $ volatility -f MEMORY. (8 of 1035). zer0pts CTF 2020 (pwn, 671p, 12 solved) Oct 6, 2005 · If you are curious about cyber defence, or looking for a fun and exciting way to level up your cyber skills, mark your calendars for CDDC 2020 from 3 to 5 July! Pick up and practise fundamental cybersecurity techniques through our online training programme from 8 to 28 June to get up to speed. When I first connected to the remote server, I was presented with a menu, detailing 3 options: Play in player mode, play in computer mode, or exit. Writeups for TetCTF 2020. $ cat rsa. (2020) This way the AES keys are always the same. There is an eval execution over the warmup GET parameter, but this parameter is checked in a very strict way, so there is no possibility to invoke functions directly. Given this information, we assumed that the last 5 bytes are just extra information, and the first 3 bytes are indeed the button status, X movement and Y movement. arg char *arg1 @ rdi is moved into s1 mov qword [s1], rdi; A string !!aksal being moved into the rax movabs rax, 0x6c61736b612121. ; In 64-bit code, movabs can be used to encode the mov instruction with the 64-bit displacement or immediate operand. Write ups for CTF. A write-up to an old CTF challenge - Google CTF 2016 – Forensic “For2” Write-up - seems to be very similar, and also helps us to understand how to plot this graph using gnuplot. as. The text file contains public key exponent along with modulus, and encrypted flag. Capture The Flag at Accenture!. root@m3ss4p0 Below two images were given in this challenge. Mar 23, 2019 · CTF writeups from The Flat Network Society. 'ctf' ^ 'ctf'). Contribute to sumasree98/2020-CTF-Writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. USB inputs can be traced with pcap files, the USB HID usage tables can be found on USB. Flare-On 2020 CTF writeups. Contribute to 0x534b/ctf-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. The manual can be found here Page 53. Looking at the values, we can identify that all values belonging to key 4-22 are stored as ASCII decimal. jpg) xor-gate-symbol. Use the [] keywords to wrap the irrelevant stuff into an alias and create a valid query: Finally, I made the script, which would systematically go through two bytes at a time in the CRC and make alterations, checking if the zip file still has errors. It was solved The Maccabees team. Contribute to dogelition/ctf-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. Antonio Prohías was a cartoonist known primarily as the creator of the satirical comic strip Spy vs. Organized by Byte Club. Least significant bit information hiding is a method of hiding information in images, audio and videos by modifying ctf writeups for 2020. Unfortunately, I only had the time to look at three of the easier pwning challenges, and solve two of those. An aggregation of CTF challenges and write-ups for csictf 2020! - ret2basic/csictf-2020 Bunch of CTF writeups. Mar 7, 2020 · CTF writeups from The Flat Network Society. 1. We arrive on the OmniConverter page which lets us convert a string from regular text to either Base64 or scrypt. Last year I was not able to solve any challenges at all, so my goal this year was to collect at least one flag. A single step would of course be too easy for this CTF. DMP --profile=Win2012R2x64_18340 pslist Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2. ctf-name > problem-type > problem-name > author That is, very similar to that of the repo writeups The repository also includes a small search tool , through we can we can easily find writeups based on several conditions. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Thus, I decided to start with the most solved challenge (probably was 50+) at the moment I first checked in: Pasteurize. Killing a canary will keep your exploit alive even if you are an inch from segfaults. It wasn't until after 1997 when the comics changed from black and white to full color. 7. Instead of inverting the algorithm I just used bruteforce to find all possible characters for a given position. Contribute to vernjan/ctf-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. Contribute to oxy-gendotmobi/ctf. A is a good apple: it grows the STeam's CTF writeups. CTF scripts and writeups (mostly challenge + . Contribute to klassiker/ctf-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. Analyzing the image with an hexeditor, you can discover an hidden archive appended, because you can spot a PK file signature at the end of the file. The rules detail that a score of 42 will grant you a flag, so I first tried in player mode (where I direct the snake). TSG CTF 2020 onnxrev write-up - GitHub Gist. You doze off in the sand only to be awoken by the loud “reee” of an osprey. py . Don't judge me, These things just work. Ekoparty 2020 PRE-CTF Writeups Este repositorio contiene varias de las resoluciones del PRE Capture The Flag brindado por _@NullLifeTeam y @GHSecurityLab para la Ekoparty 2020 . Now we can make UNION-based SQLi and retrieve the flag. $ cat output. CTF writeups for the CTF's I've participated in. jpg this name was giving me a hint of combining images in StegSolve, but doing so with given images was not giving any output. It means that the first string will be \'OR name LIKE and after it will stay our value from the name parameter. 1 Offset(V) Name PID PPID Thds Hnds Sess Wow64 Start Exit Here we can send values to the /eval endpoint and execute arbitrary python commands, but we also have a waf filter. J's prng Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly It is a terrible crime to slay a canary. Mostly as part of Cyberlandsholdet (2017, 2018), dtuhax (2019-) or kalmarunionen (2020-). (Organizing) hxp CTF 2021. b01lers CTF 2020: Pwn - White Rabbit (100 Points) This challenge was fun, it relied on escaping of particular bash command sequence to get a shell on the remote server by executing /bin/sh We are only presented with the executable binary for local testing After looking the the file with radare2 I noticed a lot of strings being moved around and inserted in the flag format. There are some checks in place that we need to circumvent. I then traced source from 1. Contribute to ctfwaifu/writeups-2020 development by creating an account on GitHub. Proceeding with single, rules:Single Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status Almost done: Processing the remaining buffered candidate passwords, if any. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Visit my blog: https://mren1gma. You need to figure out what's the matter. (1 of ?) Here are my writeups and solutions for this year's Google CTF. We use the LFI to further explore the filesystem and eventually discover the source code for the application in /app/app. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Mar 7, 2020 · CTF writeups from The Flat Network Society. Then it locates the interrupt table and sets the address of u_anti_re_hook_func at the offset v2 + 4-which is the 4-th entry in this interrupt table. View all ByteCTF 2020 - The 3 rd edition of ByteCTF, India's first CTF by and for High School students. Estos writeups están escritos en primera persona plural pues estuvimos quemándonos las neuronas dos personas (quien escribe esto y su pareja). This function locates the address of KiUserExceptionDispatcher, which contains the address of the user-mode exception dispatcher function. Contribute to m3ssap0/CTF-Writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. It says us that we can retrieve it with python command. Austin really wants to know the pairs ahead of time can you help him and predict the next output of Dr. A collection of my CTF writeups. Contribute to empty-jack/ctf-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. Tired from all of the craziness in the Inner Sanctum, you decide to venture out to the beach to relax. [UPDATE] Now I move on the github page and will only store my scripts solve in Writeup project. The text: trick only renders the first "page", and there seems to be no way to view more. J created a fast pseudorandom number generator (prng) to randomly assign pairs for the upcoming group test. hacktivitycon. writeups. csaw. You signed in with another tab or window. After some time searching techniques for md5 collisions over the web, I found this blog post, which gave me the right way to solve the challenge. On the website we can upload two files and send them to the server. . The challenge gives you an image. Then it runs 3 types of checks: Check #1: All rows must have the letters zxcasdqwe exactly once. Contribute to MacacaHub/CTF-writeups development by creating an account on GitHub. Running the exectutable prompts us for a choice: Pay with cash OR Enter a gift code If we chose to pay the program will inform us that we are broke and then exit. We're given an mp3 file. We can regenerate it using incognito, or by clearing our cookies. github. Dr. Also, I don't have this habit of writing writeups and stuffs so it The comment in the script is a hint: secret could be composed by a sequence of ctf strings and this explains why first 3 chars are zeros (i. All the binaries, my code and a writeup in Markdown format are included. lhtjiwitysnufewefxrmtmnkjapiddueizpmmfisqdfcfllmrpmrbbdryturijpinmkhwiz